lunes, 7 de febrero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Reminds You Confidence Is Key

Hello, lover! Your weekly horoscope for February 7-13 2022 is here. While we’re almost halfway through the shortest month of the year, the planets are still pretty active this week, starting with Mars in Capricorn forming a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. This aspect gives us a major boost of confidence and the courage to forge our own path, so don’t be afraid to go your own way today.

However, being independent doesn’t mean breaking away from the world completely, especially when asteroid Ceres moves into chatty Gemini on Wednesday. With the asteroid of unconditional love moving into the sign of the Twins, it’s an ideal time to check in on your loved ones and form healthy relationships based on communication. Use your words, everyone!

Finally, the week ends on a powerful note when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, fueling all our ambitions. Intimidating people might try to push you around today, but hold steady. You have your freedom; don’t let someone else take it away from you.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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All your hard work is paying off in multiple ways this week when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus on Tuesday. Your drive toward career success could bring a boost to your finances as well, either as a raise, promotion, or winning a major prize. Keep grinding, Aries.

On Wednesday, nurturing asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your communication zone, encouraging you to get all your feelings out. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have opportunities to share more about yourself and be a shoulder for people to cry on, especially siblings and neighbors. Talk it all out!

Especially when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your career zone on Friday. If you want something, whether it’s a promotion, raise, or recognition, stand up and ask for it! You have the drive to get what you desire, so use your words.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start the week by exploring some big ideas when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in your sign on Tuesday. Instead of taking someone’s words at face value, do your own research. Whether you’re switching your major, going back to school, or just doing independent research, this new path could lead you to your highest self.

Money can’t buy you love, Taurus, but it can buy security, something you’ll love to have when Ceres enters Gemini on Wednesday. This asteroid in your value zone encourages you to search for comfort in stability, especially when going through an emotional time. However, don’t buy things for the sake of self-soothing.

After doing all that research, share your findings with others when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your expansion zone on Friday. Communicating in a classroom, study group, or forum could transform your life for the better.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Valentine’s Day is next week, but you might get some loving early when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. A passionate relationship could lead you to get over your fear of intimacy. Let yourself be vulnerable as you open up and show people your true colors, Gemini.

Especially when asteroid Ceres enters your sign on Wednesday, making the next few weeks all about self-healing. While it can be difficult to become more aware of your less-than-stellar traits, take this journey in stride as you learn to love yourself unconditionally.

Your week ends on an intimidating note when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your transformation zone on Friday. This is a great day for manifesting, especially for abundance. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. You’re never going to grow if you don’t ask for change.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Working together can bring amazing things into your life when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a passionate partner in crime in order to achieve your dreams. Together, Cancer, you can do anything.

And you’ll need all the help you can get when asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your privacy zone on Wednesday. The next few weeks could be pretty intense because you’ll have to do plenty of inner healing. Finding ways to communicate will be difficult when you feel the need for solitude. Try journaling to help you out.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do this alone when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your partnership zone on Friday. This aspect can transform your relationships into something more. Whether you’re signing a contract, starting a business partnership, or asking out your crush, it’s a big day for commitments.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your productive energy can help you get noticed at work when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You’ve been working hard over the last few weeks, and it could pay off in public recognition, praise, or being allowed to work on a new project. Bask in your glory, Leo.

And the attention doesn’t just stop at work. When nurturing asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your friendship zone on Wednesday, your social life will pick up as well. Your phone will be blowing up over the next few weeks with texts, calls, DMs, and plenty of invites. Enjoy!

Then it’s back to work when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your productivity zone on Friday. Your words hold a lot of weight today, so don’t make any empty promises just to look good. If you say you’re going to do something, do it!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Let your passion bring you to some amazing places this week when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Whether your creative imagination takes you on an adventure or you take a solo trip across the globe, whatever you’re doing, it won’t be boring.

Especially if those creative ideas and talents also boost your career goals. Asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your career zone on Wednesday, encouraging you to nurture your ambitions. However, try not to make your job title your whole identity.

Your creative energy continues to thrive when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your pleasure zone on Friday. Unleash your inner artist by making some amazing creations in the form of writing, painting, singing, or crafting. What you make could bring you great success in the future, Virgo, so give it all the energy and talent you have!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you’re craving emotional security in your life, the best place to start is by changing your attachment style when Mars forms a trine with Uranus on Tuesday. Being obsessed with your partner won’t lead to a lasting relationship. Stand on your own two feet to create the stability you seek, Libra.

To do this, you might need to do some self-discovery. Asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your expansion zone on Wednesday, bringing you a period of growth as you broaden your ideas and beliefs. This is an ideal time to explore your culture to help you understand yourself.

Family dynamics can quickly change when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your home zone on Friday, especially after having a heart-to-heart conversation with a relative. You might need to ask for more personal space or confront issues from childhood. Ask for what you need to move on.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Valentine’s Day is next week, Scorpio, and if you don’t have a date, a great time to ask someone out is when Mars forms a trine with Uranus on Tuesday. Your passionate words will help you land a hot date with your crush. Use your favorite methods of seduction to seal the deal.

However, watch out because life can get a little intense when Ceres enters Gemini and your transformation zone on Wednesday. Changes in money, familiar bonds, and intimate relationships may occur, and you might have to explore some taboo subjects to find healing.

Your words carry a lot of power, so use them wisely when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your communication zone on Friday. Whether you’re giving a presentation that can land you a promotion, crossing things off your to-do list, or enrolling in classes, what you do today can have a major impact.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Tax season is almost here, Sagittarius, and you really need to focus on your finances when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Don’t let your impulse purchases eat up your next paycheck. Trust us, you don’t actually need what’s in your cart!

Instead of focusing on material goods, focus on your personal relationships when Ceres enters Gemini and your partnership zone on Wednesday. The next few weeks are an ideal time to end all feuds, nurture relationships using healthy communication, and love people without conditions.

However, money is back on your mind when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your value zone on Friday. If you want to change your financial situation, you’re going to need to put in the work. This is a great time for starting a side hustle, asking for a raise, or learning what to invest your money in.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your passions make you productive, especially when it comes to your creativity when Mars in your sign forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Put your energies into self-expression, from hobbies to changing your appearance. Even getting frisky on a Tuesday can liven things up, Capricorn.

Finding creative outlets will become very important to your overall well-being when Ceres enters Gemini and your health zone on Wednesday. This is an ideal time to nurture your mental health and find productive coping methods for life stresses by making self-care a priority. Don’t forget to set up doctor appointments during this transit as well!

Make a good first impression when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your sign on Friday. With your self-awareness heightened, use it to your advantage to smooth-talk your way into getting what you want. These connections could be valuable later.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You might be changing your address this week when Mars in Capricorn forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You’re on a quest for freedom, Aquarius, which means a space without rules—or needy roommates.

Independence brings playfulness when asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your creativity zone on Wednesday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to communicate your feelings and self-worth through creative expression. Nurture your inner child, and show it unconditional love, as you allow yourself to heal and just play around.

Playing might be a handy coping strategy on Friday. That day could be a little heavy when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your subconscious zone. You’ve been keeping a lot of things to yourself, but everything will come out in the open during this transit. Spilled secrets can change the important power dynamics in your life, so stay on your guard.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You have a big heart, Pisces. You’re able to feel all the suffering that’s in the world. However, instead of just feeling the pain, find ways to make the world a better place when Mars forms a trine with Uranus on Tuesday. Start by researching issues that you care about. New information can guide you in the right direction.

While saving the world, you’ll also have to deal with family matters when asteroid Ceres enters Gemini and your family zone on Wednesday. This is the time to learn more about your roots and ancestors. Ask your relatives about their childhoods and you could gain a wealth of knowledge that brings everyone together.

The week winds up on a social note when Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto in your friendship zone on Friday, making it an ideal day to make new acquaintances. Dreams can be easily achieved thanks to important connections.


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