viernes, 3 de junio de 2022

Lucky Days June 2022: Here Are The Most Auspicious Dates Of June

You don’t need me to tell you that summer is *just* around the corner! I bet you’re already dreaming of piña coladas on the beach while you take some well-deserved PTO. However, timing your plans right can make all the difference, so take note of all the lucky days of June 2022, because they represent the highest peaks of the month ahead.

Now that all the chaos of eclipse season and Mercury retrograde has begun to subside, the astrology of June is shaping up to be a far less dramatic month than May was. Although summer is jam-packed with drama and intensity, you can think of June as the calm before the storm. Soak up all the positive, easy-going vibes while you can, because they won’t be here forever. If you’ve been anxiously awaiting a clear coast, now’s the time to come out and play.

The month begins with the sun in adaptable and dual-sided Gemini, allowing you to take a trip outside of your usual perspective and see things in a new light. And as a full moon in Sagittarius brings an idea full circle on June 14, it’s clear this month has the power to be incredibly prolific. And just when the intellectual energy starts feeling a little too clinical for your taste, the sun will slide into warm and compassionate Cancer on June 21, bringing your feelings to the surface. June 21 is also the first day of summer, so make the most of the final days of refreshing and rejuvenating spring until then.

In the meantime, keep track of these dates, because they represent turning points in the cosmic journey you’re about to embark on:

The Luckiest Days Of June 2022

STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Friday, June 3: Mercury Retrograde Ends

You’ve been dealing with a communication crisis lately, and by now, you’re probably feeling some serious mental fatigue. Luckily, June is being cleared away for takeoff, because Mercury retrograde comes to an end as of the third day of this month! Stationing direct at 26 degrees Taurus, the initial stages of this transition will help you approach things with a more practical and measured mindset. However, once Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 13, you’ll be able to put the majority of these retrograde-related conflicts behind you. Settle scores and leave the past in the past!

Friday, June 10: Mercury Trine Pluto

You won’t have to wait too long to remember how powerful Mercury can be. As Mercury connects with Pluto—lord of rebirth—beginnings, endings, power and spiritual growth will become the main topic of discussion. If there’s an important conversation that needs to be had, this is your day to have it. Mercury will provide support in a way that helps you convey your message  in a way that moves whomever you are speaking with. This is a 5 star day to schedule an interview, ask for a promotion or discuss the next step in your relationship. Don’t let it go to waste!

Saturday, June 11: Venus Conjunct Uranus

If you’ve been feeling restless when it comes to your love life or your finances, June 11 might shake things up a bit. Venus and Uranus will form a connection in the sky, bring a major surprise your way. Venus influences all things related to love, beauty and money while Uranus rules sudden, unexpected changes. This alignment will encourage you to march to the beat of your own drum! When these two planets come together, there are often fireworks (especially if you find yourself crushing on someone new). This is a beautiful day that should be left wide open. Ride the wave of possibilities and let the universe guide you forward.

Tuesday, June 14: Full Moon In Sagittarius

One of the most climactic moment of June will take place on June 14, when the full moon in Sagittarius lights up the sky at 7:52 a.m. ET. Because Sagittarius is a truth-seeking fire sign, this full moon may inspire you to embark on a great adventure that expands your mind. It might also inspire you to return to your education and gain more wisdom, especially when it comes to a topic you’ve always been interested in, but you’ve never had the courage to look into it!

Thursday, June 16: Sun Trine Saturn

Now that Mercury retrograde is fully behind you, you might be experiencing some forward momentum around June 16. As the sun forms a trine with Saturn, you’re receiving extra support and stability, especially when it comes to your goals. Saturn is always encouraging you to be responsible, stable and consistent in your practice. Saturn’s goal is to ensure you build a foundation that you are not only proud of, but will stand the test of time. When Saturn and the sun connect in such a harmonious way, we are often given an opportunity to make something more solid than before.

Sunday, June 19: Venus Sextile Neptune

One of the most creative days of the month is on June 19, when Venus—planet of love—forms a sextile with dreamt and empathetic Neptune. This will inspire you to connect with your intuition and embrace the magic of your higher self. It’s the perfect time to brainstorm new ideas, start a creative project and connect with your artistic side. It’s also a wonderful day for a date, as romance is ample when these two planets come together! If you’re not using this energy to expand your imagination, you’re missing out.

Monday, June 20: Mercury Sextile Jupiter

It’s time to shoot your shot come June 20! This is when genius Mercury will form a sextile with larger-than-life Jupiter, giving you the confidence you need to say what you *really* want to say and do what you *really* want to do. If you’ve been itching to ask a favor or take advantage of an opportunity, this is the time. Jupiter expands upon the energy you’re already putting out there you already have out there, so be sure to dream big, keep an open mind and leave it up to the universe to fulfill your wishes.

Tuesday, June 21: Cancer Season Begins

June 21 is a major day, because this is when the summer solstice takes place at 5:14 a.m. ET, launching you into the hottest and sexiest season of all. Coincidentally, this is also when the sun enters compassionate and nurturing Cancer, which makes sense, since school is out and kids are at home! To make matters even more transformative, Venus will also form a trine with Pluto, deepening the love in your heart and driving you to strengthen your relationships. This steamy duo can encourage passions to run high, making it an optimal time for a date night you won’t forget. Also, because Venus also rules money, this could be a powerful day for financial success.

Monday, June 27: Mars Sextile Saturn

The month closes with another opportunity to drive forward your biggest goals. Mars sending good vibes to Saturn can help you take another step towards your dreams. Mars is all about your energy levels, productivity and drive. Saturn is all about helping us create stability in our lives. Combined in this type of aspect, these two powerhouses give us the energy to make some solid strides. The only question is, how will you use this boost?

Tuesday, June 28: New Moon In Cancer

The month ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. After all, on June 28 at 10:52 p.m. ET, a new moon in Cancer will take place, encouraging you to prioritize love and compassion, especially when it comes to your home and family. Rediscover whatever it is that makes you feel maternal, even protective. There’s no better feeling that creating a home life that feels as solid and steady as a rock! New moons always represent a new beginning, which means that July is already looking interesting.

Outside of these lucky days, this June should be mostly smooth sailing! And don’t get too hung up making the most of these dates, because astrology is always at work (whether you realize it or not). Your only assignment is to embrace all the good things this month has in store. And even if you’re experiencing a bit of June gloom, remember—the sun will always come out eventually.

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