domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Includes Mercury Retrograde & A Full Moon In Pisces, So Buckle Your Seatbelt

You better get ready for a wild ride, because your horoscope for the week of September 5 to 11 is a rollercoaster from start to finish. But that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy yourself! After all, who doesn’t love a little drama every now and then? You gotta spice things up from time to time, lest life become too boring for your liking.

In fact, you may start seeing your relationships very differently this week. Once Venus—planet of love—enters selfless, helpful and practical Virgo on September 5, you may begin to place more value in the facts rather than the fantasies. In order for a relationship to work, you need to be able to rely on one another and provide support to each other. However, beware of the Venus in Virgo tendency to want to find a solution to every single problem, as though everything can be fixed. After all, relationships don’t come with manuals; they’re a force of nature that’s often out of your control.

However, once Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on September 9, you may find yourself rethinking and reassessing your relationships over the course of the next few weeks. Although this retrograde will pave the way for misunderstandings that could have been avoided and conflicts that started over something stupid, it will also encourage you to identify what’s been inhibiting you from establishing a thrilling, satisfying and mutually respectful relationship.

STYLECASTER | Love Horoscopes For September 2022

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Related: Here’s How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Whether you’re loving it or hating it, you can expect things to get raw and real by September 10. A full moon in Pisces will reach its peak at 5:58 a.m. ET, which will open you up to a whole new world. It’s time to set your ego aside (at least for a moment). Let the vast and unexplored ocean of Pisces show you the meaning of being one with the universe, because it contains a plethora of mysteries and untold stories. As the full moon joins forces with Neptune retrograde, it could cast a romantic sheen over your whole perspective. However, the longer you stay in a fantasy, the longer it takes to break away from it.

As the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus—planet of individuality and independence—on September 11, which is giving you the courage to do things your own way. Even though fantasies are often fleeting, that doesn’t mean you can’t transform your life into your very own dream come true. You have the power to spearhead a movement that begins with you.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Are you ready to do a deep dive into your relationship history, Aries? It’s time to be a love detective and wade through the complexities of what brings harmony and what breeds conflict. As Mercury retrogrades through your seventh house of partnerships on September 9, you’re spending the next few weeks learning more about how to be a better parter and how to choose better partners.

On September 10, a full moon in Pisces will overtake your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious energies, which is bringing your awareness to something larger than yourself. Don’t focus on what’s true or what’s right. Instead, give yourself time to simply embrace what you’re feeling. Try not to judge what begins to pour out of you, as there’s no right or wrong way to feel.

As the sun forms a trine with Uranus on September 11, it could inspire you to make concrete decisions and practical adjustments that further your progress. Time to think outside of the box, Aries!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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Falling behind, Taurus? If so, it’s not surprising, as Mercury is stationing retrograde in your sixth house of productivity and routine as of September 9, which could slow down your momentum. It could also throw you off track, especially if you tend to stick to a strict schedule. Instead of shunning your mess, embrace it! Sometimes, cleaning something up can lead to powerful opportunities.

When a full moon in Pisces shakes up your 11th house of community on September 10, it could lead to a major development in your social life. Prepare for a surge in networking and a boost in morale! However, a team doesn’t work unless everyone’s on board, so come to terms with what you can and cannot control.

On September 11, the sun in Virgo will form a trine with Uranus in Taurus, which is providing you with a rush of creative energy, so allow your artistic juices to flow without inhibition. You’re falling in love and redefining the very meaning of the word itself.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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You’re on the verge of a creative awakening, Gemini. But first, be willing to be bad at something before you can become good at it. As Mercury stations retrograde in your fifth house of romance and self-expression on September 9, you may be forced to analyze what’s been preventing you from completely opening your heart to something (or someone). Ex lovers may arise and you may find yourself reconnecting with hobbies you used to enjoy, reminding you what makes your heart tick!

By September 10, you may experience a full blown revelation about your career. As a full moon in Pisces awakens your 10th house of ambition and public standing, you’re becoming more aware of your need to be loved, admired and accepted. We all want to be liked, don’t we? However, let’s not allow your need for validation to obscure your need for authenticity.

By September 11, the sun in Virgo will form a trine with Uranus in Taurus, which could encourage you to do some beautiful inner work. After all, you containing a deep reservoir of power. Have you been tapping into it lately?

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Is there something disrupting the flow of your home environment? Are you feeling homesick? Or like you’re on the verge of moving away and starting fresh in a new city? Hold off on making any major decisions, as Mercury is stationing retrograde in your fourth house of home and family as of September 9, which is bringing up unresolved issues that tend to remain behind closed doors. Sort through that garbage and make yourself more comfortable, Cancer.

By September 10, a full moon in fellow water sign Pisces will bring magic to your ninth house of adventure, philosophy and publishing. It’s time to share your wisdom with the world; to spread yourself far and wide, because there’s so much to learn and so much to teach!

As the week comes to a close, you may reconnect with your social circle (and potentially make some new friends). By September 11, the sun in Virgo will trine Uranus in your 11th house of community, widening your outreach and motivating you to mingle.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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On September 9, Mercury will station retrograde, which could lead to some awkward communication mishaps! If you’re going out of your way to preserve the harmony (even the tension can’t be ignored). Don’t be passive when it’s appropriate to be assertive, Leo. Oh, and make sure you think before you speak, because there’s a higher chance someone may misunderstand where you’re coming from. Be as direct as possible.

On September 10, a full moon in Pisces brings your attention to your eighth house of shared energies, forcing you to rethink the level of attachment and detachment in your life. Are you lowering your boundaries more than you’re comfortable with? Are there still some debts that need to be settled from your past?

However, as the week comes to an end, you may feel yourself exploring new avenues at work. As the Virgo sun forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on September 11, you may find the self-acceptance necessary to spearhead a professional revolution.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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You’re feeling more confident and admired, thanks to the fact that Venus enters Virgo on September 5. This will encourage you to pay special attention to your appearance and your level of personal pleasure, so treat yourself like the luxury you are. However, as Mercury retrogrades through your second house of money as of September 9, you may be forced to rethink your limits and embrace the boundaries of your budget.

By September 10, a full moon in Pisces will rise in your seventh house of partnerships, turning your attention to the other people in your life; the people you share a deep and personal bond with. Is there a shift forming in any of your relationships? Are you ready to rethink the terms of your commitment?

When the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on September 11, you may feel like your mind is being blown. Open your mind to strange new concepts. Feel the vibration of philosophies that have potential. You’re on the verge of an intellectual awakening, Virgo.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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As this week begins, you may feel scatterbrained; as though you’re being pulled in many different directions. After all, on September 9, Mercury will station retrograde in Libra, which could force you to rethink who you truly are. Are you embodying an identity that was never yours to begin with? Are you sacrificing independence for togetherness? It’s time to get to know yourself all over again, Libra.

By the time the full moon in Pisces lights up your sixth house of ritual and routine, it will reming you to take practical and concrete measures when it comes to nourishing yourself. Give your mind, body and soul exactly what it needs, Libra. It may be a whole new fitness regimen. It may mean eating your favorite home-cooked meal.

By September 11, the sun in Virgo will form a trine with Uranus in your eighth house of spiritual rebirth, which could encourage you to cut ties with what’s been inhibiting your growth. Shed all that deadweight, Libra.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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Have your dreams been extra weird lately, Scorpio? If so, you have every reason to blame Mercury retrograde. When it begins on September 9, it will bring back some of the thoughts and emotions stored in the hard drive of your subconscious, encouraging you to reconnect with truths that have passed you by. Embrace the free fall of introspection, because you’re quite the spiritual detective!

When a full moon in Pisces shakes up your fifth house of fun and pleasure on September 10, you’ll be in for a night of wild fun. Make sure you plan something that gets you all excited! Whether you’re crushing on a person or crushing on your next creative idea, you’re loving the romance of it all. Just keep in mind that with high highs, you often get low lows. Know your limits, Scorpio.

When the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in your seventh house of partnerships on September 11, you’re have the power to turn acquaintanceships into real, longterm friendships. You have the ability to inject some excitement into your relationship too.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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As this week begins, you may begin to embrace some misunderstanding amongst your social click. As Mercury begins to retrograde through your 11th house of networks and communities as of September 9, you may realize the negative affect of mob mentality. Be careful with the way you navigate hierarchies and be super cautious of what you publish online. There’s a good chance your followers won’t catch the layered sarcasm.

By September 10, a full moon will rise in your fifth house of fun, pleasure and creativity, which will give you a boost in flirtatious energy. You might feel extra lovey dovey toward your S.O. and if you’re single, you might just meet someone who captures your heart. However, keep your wits about you, because there’s a chance that not everything is as it seem!

When the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in your sixth house of work and health on September 11, you’re discovering new ways to be more productive in your profession and more nurturing to yourself. The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Do you feel like your career is starting to stall? Are you beginning to lose the thread of your professional focus? Ignore these nagging worries, because they’re not based on reality. After all, Mercury stations retrograde in your professional 10th house as of September 9, which is bringing your awareness to what needs fixing in the way you’re presenting your whole brand. All it takes is a few alterations and some minor improvements, Capricorn!

However, once a full moon in Pisces lights up your third house of communication on September 10, it could encourage you to lighten up and let down your intellectual guard. Do you have ideas you’re nervous about sharing? Is a conversation about a sensitive subject in the works? Embrace the empathy flowing toward you, but don’t get caught up in someone’s charm when they haven’t earned it.

As the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on September 11, it could initiate a creative awakening. Now’s the time to pour all your artistic energy into a project that inspires you beyond measure! You’re a rock star, babe. Start believing it.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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Are you ready to get lost this week, Aquarius? Embrace unexpected detours and frustrating delays, because Mercury is stationing retrograde in your ninth house of travel, philosophy and spontaneity, which could lead to some major diversions from the plan. However, without interventions from the universe, how else can we be introduced to new experiences? How else can we absorb the wisdom that arrives after getting lost and finding your way back?

By the full moon in Pisces on September 10, you may feel ready to indulge a little. As it rises in your second house of wands and needs, you may feel encouraged to splurge. However, not all that glitters is gold, and thinking that money can solve every problem is only a recipe for more problems.

When the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in your fourth house of home and family on September 11, you’re turning over a new leaf in your personal life. It’s time to pack up your things and leave behind places that you’ve long since outgrown.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Get ready to explore the deepest, darkest depths of your psyche, Pisces. After all, on September 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your eighth house of buried secrets, which could bring unexpected reveals and shine a light on truths that shatter your perspective. You’re tuning into hidden frequencies and finding clues that point you toward something that could completely blow your mind.

However, as the full moon in Pisces takes place on September 11, you’re learning how to take your ego out of the situation. There’s a big difference between what you can and cannot control, so remember that not everything about your life is needs to run perfectly in order for it to be special. In fact, your life is allowed to be completely imperfect (as long as you learn to love it).

By the time the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus in your third house of communication on September 11, you’ll be in the perfect mood to socialize and engage in conversations that make you feel connected and inspired. If you think everyone’s boring these days, wait until you see who you’re about to meet next.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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