domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You To Let Your Imagination Run Wild, Because Dreaming Is Free

Get ready, because your horoscope for the week of September 12 to 18 says you’re jumping right into the deep end! There’s a *lot* brewing behind the scenes this week, but it’s inevitable for the curtain to fall at some point. Prepare for startling developments to make themselves known, because the plot is only getting thicker.

The rising stakes and increasing tension will be impossible to ignore by September 16, because critical Venus in Virgo will square off with sharp-tongued Mars in Gemini, shining a light on your primal fears and raw desires. What’s making you so ravenous lately? What is it that you want so damn badly? Like it or not—you’re an animal! And if you’re unable to satiate whatever it is you’re feeling so hungry, you might find that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Whether you’re feeling addicted to the chase or your ego is getting bruised from one too many mind games, so much about your relationships are being revealed this week. Despite what your ego says, try leading with kindness and understanding, because the sun in Virgo will also form an opposition with Neptune retrograde in Pisces on September 16. This will open you up to a whole new understanding of love and empathy. However, if someone is mistaking your kindness for weakness, it’s time to nip that right in the bud!

STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

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Related: Here’s How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

However, let’s not forget Neptune is the planet of fantasy, dreams and illusions, making this a time that’s brimming with creative energy. Put your inner critic on “do not disturb”, because it’s time to explore your imagination freely and without inhibition. Give yourself the space to daydream; to let your head drift into the clouds.

By September 17, a last quarter moon in clever, social and adaptable Gemini will increase your desire to make sense of your emotions and get your story straight. However, it could also bring rise to some heated discussions, so remember—words can take a moment to speak, but a lifetime to forget.

You may find yourself rehashing old issues as Mercury retrograde engages in a standoff with loudmouth Jupiter in Aries on September 18, encouraging you to speak your truth. However, it also wants you to find some middle ground, especially if you want your relationships to evolve rather than devolve. As the Virgo sun forms a trine with determined Pluto in Capricorn, you’re tapping into a deep reservoir of strength this week. Don’t worry if you feel tired and lost, because you’re so much stronger than you think.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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If you’re having trouble keeping up with your workload, don’t be hard on yourself. As the sun in your sixth house of productivity forms an opposition with dreamy Neptune, you may feel drained by your daydreams, but there’s nothing wrong with tending to your spiritual side, Aries! In fact, it might be necessary, because you may be taking on too much of other people’s energy.

However, as a last quarter moon lights up your third house of communication on September 16, it will be the burst of energy you’ve been craving. It may be time to get something off your chest! Know the difference between what is and isn’t in your control, because the way someone responds to you their problem, not yours.

As Mercury retrogrades in your seventh house of partnerships, you’re working through conflicts and misunderstandings. When Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries on September 18, it will give you the chance to remember who you are. Sometimes, all it takes to set the record straight is to give someone the chance to finally tell their side of the story.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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Feeling indulgent, Taurus? You may be in the mood to play hooky and rebel against your expectations, especially if you’re craving a party. As Venus in your fifth house of pleasure squares off with Mars in your luxurious second house, you may be overdoing it just a bit! There’s nothing wrong with giving into your whims, but remember—the post-excitement hangover is real.

When a last quarter moon brings your attention to your second house of money and stability on September 17, it will remind you what your needs are and where they stem from. Don’t forget to water your roots while you’re too busy reveling in the flowers, Taurus! Success always starts with a strong foundation.

By September 18, you’ll step into a vortex of creative energy as the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Pluto in your adventurous ninth house. You’re remembering the philosophies that enrich your soul, which means it’s time to take a risk in something larger than yourself, Taurus.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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Feeling a bit wonky lately, Gemini? If you’re not feeling comfortable in your home environment, it will become obvious by September 16. As Venus in your fourth house of home and family squares off with Mars in Gemini, you may feel extra frustrated by your living situation, prompting you to start doing something about it! You make your bed and you lie in it, as the old saying goes.

On September 17, a last quarter moon in Gemini will bring your awareness to who you are and where you stand, you may feel the instinct to prove yourself. Remember to keep your perspective in check, as you may be prone to experiencing “main character syndrome”. Don’t take things too personally, because there’s a good chance it’s not about you.

As Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter in your social 11th house on September 18, you may find yourself balancing your own passion projects with your responsibility to your team. Even though you want to show up as a valued member of your community, never forget that your dreams are just as important.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Are you having trouble seeing eye to eye? As Venus in your chatty third house squares off with Mars in your 12th house of unseen energies, there may be some gossip behind your back if you’ve got a few secret haters in your midst. But don’t let that white noise drain your energy! After all, you may have a feeling that something is off, but you might not understand why.

And once a last quarter moon in Gemini rises in your introspective 12th house on September 17, you might just have a startling revelation that divulges some deep healing. Is there something about this conflict that’s triggering a deeper issue? Look within, Cancer! Find out what hurts, because how else will you mend it?

When Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter in your career sector on September 18, you may be forced to address how your work-life balance has been operating for you lately. If your workaholic tendencies are causing you to ignore priorities at home, it may be time to reassess your value system and redirect your energy.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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How firm are your boundaries, Leo? This week, you may find yourself lowering your guard more than you may be prepared to. As the sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in your eighth house of intimacy and merging energies, you may find it difficult to understand where you begin and another person ends. Remember to protect your energy, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

When a last quarter moon lights up your 11th house of community and idealism, you may feel passionate about reaching a certain standard or making an impact on others. Remember—you’re only human. Although you may be ruled by the sun, you don’t need to put the same pressure on yourself to be a hero.

When Mercury retrograde in your communication sector opposes Jupiter in Aries on September 18, a misunderstanding may be revisited once again. It may be time to recognize that the language is not necessarily the same one someone else is speaking. Don’t let stubbornness prevent you from seeing the big picture.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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This week, you may feel like you’re not being appreciated for all your hard-work. And as Venus in Virgo squares off with Mars in your flashy 10th house on September 16, you may feel rabid for success, especially if your confidence comes from your career. If your ego is siphoning too much of your energy, take a step back and remember—you are *so* much more than how many followers you have of what your job title might be.

By September 17, you may feel an emotional release, especially when it comes to the way you feel about your and your public image. As a last quarter moon sends shockwaves throughout your driven 10th house, you may feel a rush of momentum, but going too fast without taking proper precautions can be a recipe for burnout, Virgo.

By September 18, you’ll be in a beautiful position to release pent-up frustration through art, romance and creativity. As the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Pluto in your passionate fifth house, it’s important to remember that no matter hard it gets, you always find a way to make it beautiful.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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You can’t always control how you feel, Libra. And as Venus in your subliminal 12th house squares off with Mars on September 16, you may find that what *should* be is not always what *is*. Life doesn’t always work out the way it should, and sometimes, it’s impossible to look on the bright side! However, don’t make permanent decisions while you’re in a bad mood, because things will always look different in the morning.

As a last quarter moon dances through your expansive and philosophical ninth house on September 17, you could have a major breakthrough in your whole perspective, especially if you’ve been struggling to keep the faith lately. Sometimes, all we have is the promise of a new day, and if you think about it, that’s more than enough.

When Mercury retrograde in Libra opposes Jupiter in your relationship sector on September, it could highlight some rising tension between you and someone you share a bond with. It may be time to discuss the elephant in the room, because you can’t avoid the truth for much longer.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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Are you struggling to navigate the politics of your social life lately? As Venus squares off with Mars in your envious eighth house on September 16, you may find that some of your friends and turning out to be frenemies. However, as the sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in your creative fifth house, you have every reason to continue nurturing your talents, because you should never dim your shine for someone else’s comfort.

When a last quarter moon takes place on September 17, it will cause electricity to surge throughout your eighth house of investment and attachments. You may feel an impossible urge to cling onto the past, but an equally tempting desire to burn it all down and start over. Try to find some middle ground, because there’s no need to jump to extremes!

When Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter in your practical sixth house on September 18, you may find it difficult to separate your emotions from something that shouldn’t bother you anymore. This is not a sign that you’re backpedaling, Scorpio. In fact, it’s merely a sign that you’re being honest with yourself.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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Everything starts at home, Sagittarius. And as the sun in your 10th house of public image opposes Neptune in your fourth house of privacy on September 16, you may feel unmoored where you stand. It’s time to get grounded, Sagittarius! Instead of letting your personal life bleed into every other aspect of your existence, it’s time to regain a sense of control over your house, Sagittarius. Healing energy is on the way!

When a last quarter moon takes place on September 17, it will bring your awareness to your seventh house of partnerships. While this could bring tensions to a boiling point, it could also give you and your partner the push you both need! Whether you’re navigating conflict with a friend, lover or associate, it’s time to let your emotions guide you toward the real issue.

By September 18, Mercury retrograde will oppose Jupiter in your flirtatious fifth house, which could pave the way for lingering romances to be rekindled. However, placing too much stock in the future will ruin the beauty of right now. Go with the flow, Sag.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Is work cramping your style lately, Capricorn? You may be known for your ambition and determination, but that doesn’t mean you relish busy work. As Venus in your spontaneous ninth house squares off with Mars in your sixth house of routine, you may yourself contemplating blowing off all your plans and responsibilities. It may be time to loosen up, because life doesn’t always play by the rules.

By September 17, you may catch a second wind and try to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. As a last quarter moon rushes through your third house of communication, it’s a powerful time to catch up on emails and get back to people! However, that doesn’t mean sensitive information should be treated haphazardly. Take your time communicating your intentions clearly.

When Mercury retrograde in your career sector engages in a standoff with Jupiter in Aries on September 18, it could lead to some major developments both at home and at work. However, not every idea will make the cut, so focus on the building towards the ones that truly make sense.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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Are your head and your heart currently at war with each other, Aquarius? If so, it’s no wonder. After all, on September 16, Venus in your eighth house of emotional attachment is squaring off with Mars in your fifth house of desire, which means that what you want may not necessarily be what you need. However, in order to turn off your fight or flight instinct, you need to make yourself feel relaxed enough to review your feelings calmly and confidently. Take a break from the drama, Aqua.

Once a last quarter moon rises in your creative fifth house on September 17, it will tap into your desire to let loose and have fun. This is your excuse to go out, because your artistic juices are flowing freely and without inhibition. However, keep your expectations in check, because if you’re searching for top notch, you might forget to enjoy something that’s beautiful as it is.

When Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter in your chatty third house on September 18, you may stumble into your old neighborhood, run into a distant friend or simply relive a few long-lost memories in your head. Catching up with the past could lead to a major revelation.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Is your idea of love conflicting with someone else’s, Pisces? As Venus in your partnership sector squares off with Mars in your fourth house of family on September 16, you may clash with in-laws and relatives, especially if their opinions about your love life are getting to you. However, you and your partner may come from two very different backgrounds, making it harder to see where you’re both coming from.

As a last quarter moon rises in your domestic fourth house on September 17, it will give you the courage to address the issues that can no longer be ignored. Emotions may run high, so remember—you can’t change who you are in order to make other people happy. However, you can make compromises, especially if everyone involved is willing to meet you in the middle.

By September 18, Mercury in your eighth house of investments will oppose Jupiter in your second house of cash flow, which could encourage you to look into your finances and address what is and isn’t working for you. Money doesn’t have to be a headache, so what can you do to heal your relationship with it?

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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