viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope Is Both Hot & Cold, So Get Ready For Temperatures To Shift

The planets are turning up the heat in your love horoscope for the week of September 12 to September 18, but temperatures could easily run cold when we least expect it! After all, the timing may feel somewhat off in your relationships, which may be developing into downright  disappointment as the week progresses. Remember—this is only temporary!

Still, if you’re currently in the thick of some relationship trouble, knowing it will eventually pass doesn’t make it any easier. Not only is Mercury officially retrograde, but Venus in critical Virgo will also square off with Mars in temperamental Gemini on September 16, which could lead to high highs and low lows in your relationships. While this could turn things up in the bedroom—as this type of conflict is often intertwined with sexual frustration—it may not leave you feeling fulfilled if you’re starved for true love and surviving on nothing more than kernels of affection.

Either way—the more our partner wants things to be detailed, the more frustrated we’re likely to become. Simplicity and variety don’t always mesh well! Love can get messy and adjusting to dating someone new—especially someone you *really* like—is a process that’s often fraught with fear. Try going with the flow, because it won’t be as easy to put yourself in each other’s shoes. And although passions may be high, your fear of rejection can easily cause desires to deflate.

Love Horoscope Zodiac Signs

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September 16 is also when the confident sun in practical Virgo will oppose muddled Neptune in idealistic Pisces. Just when you think you want one thing, a haze of confusion may set in, prompting you to second-guess yourself at every opportunity. Choosing to close our eyes to the reality of your current romantic situation will come at a high price—and this week, you’d be better off avoiding any of those consequences.

It will become easier to talk through these dilemmas by September 17, when a last quarter moon in chatty and intellectual Gemini will give us the energy to communicate our emotions in a cool and objective manner. And once Mercury retrograde in passive Libra forms an opposition with Jupiter in assertive Aries on September 18, it may encourage you to have a conversation you know you’ve been putting up. These issues are nothing new! It’s time to give each other the space to address your concerns and respect where you’re both coming from.

Once the sun in Virgo forms a trine with transformative Pluto in Capricorn on September 18, it will deepen your emotional understanding and encourage you to fight for what truly matters to you. However, healing a relationship begins with healing yourself, so don’t skip that integral step in the process.

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of September 12 to September 18 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Romantic resentment could be creeping in. Every action a love interest takes may frustrate you! They just aren’t meeting your standards—and, in your opinion, you probably haven’t even set the bar all that high. When your partner says they’ll do something, you expect that it will be done. Instead, you may find yourself in a cycle where your partner doesn’t follow through, even if they intended to do so. This pattern can easily grate on your connection. It needs to be addressed! If single, it’s possible that you’re ready to throw your list of standards for your future mate in the garbage. Don’t give up, because the right person for you is out there.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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What you value in matters of the heart is currently vital. If you’re dating someone, you might not feel cherished in the way you deserve. It’s possible that you’re angry about having to “pay” for love in an unexpected manner. This could be financial, making you the one shelling out money for dates and other expenses that benefit your sweetheart. But it may also be about your lover not recognizing or honoring your worth in other ways—such as for the little things you do. Either way, don’t let them take advantage of you. Single? Avoid anyone this week who seems too good to be true. With the Sun opposite Neptune on Friday, it’s probably all a sham!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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You may encounter strong disapproval this week about your love life from an unlikely source: one of your relatives. What may be particularly upsetting is the amount that you value this person’s opinion on regular topics. In this case, however, you’ll likely feel that you’re being unfairly judged or criticized for your actions and choices in romance— for instance, if you currently prefer to “play the field” rather than settle down with one person. Another possibility is that you’re in a relationship with someone, but your family member strongly feels you can do better. Take their opinions with a grain of salt.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Having a secret crush on someone could be driving you a little nutty. You may want to take action and tell this person what you feel. That said, you’re likely getting a strong vibe that if you do, you’ll only be rejected or disappointed. Although it’s frustrating, you may want to listen to your gut on this one. Consider spending a little time doing some detective work to find out if this person is already in a relationship. Already coupled? This won’t be a good week to make an important decision with your mate. The lines of communication are muddled.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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Your financial situation could crash into your love life at any moment this week—especially if you haven’t been making the best financial decisions lately. If you’ve been way too idealistic or unrealistic about a financial situation, take the blinders off. Budgetary imbalances may genuinely threaten your connection with your mate. You might be turning a blind eye to a major expense that needs to be addressed. On the other hand, you could be in the dark about a financial situation involving your partner. Either way, snap out of it! Single? Don’t invest money into an exclusive matchmaking service or expensive online dating site. It’s not worth it.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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A crushing disappointment may impact your love life. It’s not so much that your partner will do something deceptive—although that might be the case for some. The more likely scenario is that the bubble you created about your present romantic situation will burst. You might have been lying to yourself, for example, about waiting for someone you’re dating to give you a commitment. Or perhaps your partner has been telling you that they want kids in the future at some point, just not right now, and you end up learning that this really means never. How you address any romantic disappointment is up to you, as long as you stop lying to yourself.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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Whatever is happening right now in your love life can take a toll on your mental health. This week, you might want to indulge in some time away from all of the drama and give yourself some much-needed self-care. If you’re in a relationship, you might be torn between constantly taking care of your partner’s needs and your own. Let Venus in responsible Virgo guide you to fill your own cup before you pour into anyone else’s. Single Libras could have a hard time finding that dream person—but you shouldn’t have to make concessions. Don’t settle just because you want to settle down!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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Your love life could run the gamut between utter bliss and crushing disappointment this week. The Sun and Neptune will crash into each other this Friday at full force, right across your romance and friendship axes. If single, you may feel like you’ve found the perfect soul mate. Even if your spiritual link is a genuine connection, it doesn’t mean that this relationship will be your happily ever after. Make sure you’re seeing this person for who they are—not for who you wish them to be. If you’re in a relationship already, your partner could disappoint you all too easily. It happens! Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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Coarse language could be causing some romantic friction! In particular, those with partners might feel like they’re being much more confrontational and defensive than usual. Mars, the planet of inflammation, is currently touring your partnership sector. This week, Mars will be at odds with passionate Venus. Since the cosmic lovers are not cooperating, it’ll be difficult for you to keep things smooth in any love connection. Even the little things that have been irking you, your mate, or a potential love interest are likely to come out now. The good news? Eventually, you’ll be able to clear the air. Singles might also feel like potential dating prospects are more vulgar than usual. Ick!

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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You might feel like love is just not worth putting in a ton of work at this time. If you’re single, you may prefer being alone as opposed to being in a relationship—especially when Venus in fussy Virgo picks a fight with Mars in analytical Gemini, reminding you of all the tricky details involved in dating someone. Putting someone else’s complicated feelings in the mix of your life can feel downright exhausting, and it’s probably not something you’re interested in doing. If you’re already coupled, this will be especially tricky. You might be tempted to “forget” to consider your partner as you make a decision. Remember, they’re a person too, even when they irritate you.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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There might be a whole lot of chemistry happening between you and someone sexy this week—but not much of anything else. A purely physical attraction to someone can certainly be exciting, and the universe supports you in pursuing that magnetism. Even so, at the same time, this connection probably doesn’t have much substance beyond the physical. As long as you know what you’re getting into, this can still be fun! This could be a one-night stand or someone may propose a longer-term arrangement without any strings attached. If, however, you have any significant expectations, you might end up sorely disappointed.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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You might not know what you want this week when it comes to love and relationships. Your dreams could become nightmares without warning, so be careful what you wish for—you just might get it. Unfortunately, once you find yourself in a romantic scenario, there will be another person’s feelings to consider. Don’t rush into any new connections or push things along in your current partnership, because you currently have a dangerous tendency to focus more on fantasy than reality. While there is a chance for you to float away in a happy love bubble, there’s a much bigger chance that the bubble will burst, and you’ll crash down to earth.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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