jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

On July 7, Mercury will go retrograde in Leo, and won’t go direct again until July 31. Which means—you guessed it—everything is about to get overly! complicated! Mercury rules communication, intellect and contracts/agreements, so basically, you know, some of the most fundamental parts of the universe. When a planet goes retrograde, it gives the illusion of moving backward. This shift usually results in a change of energy and affects all the signs in various ways. So, when Mercury decides to go on a bender, everything sort of goes haywire.

Mercury retrograde is like having a bad boyfriend—the one who was always kinda mean to your sister and dabbled in various multi-level marketing schemes throughout his brief stint at community college. He swore up and down he wasn’t checking out your best friend—but you knew. He was a real dickbag, for sure. His only redeeming quality is that he taught you something valuable (because we live in a world where valuable things are usually taught by emotionally stunted shitty dudes, whooo). Namely, that you need to trust in patterns, not words.

If I could get that tattooed on my chest without making my mother weep, I would. Trust patterns, not words. What an A+ sentiment. How stunningly true, and weirdly easy. And yet. We just don’t do it. We’d rather experience the instant relief from hearing what we want than wait for the new pattern to emerge. We are so afraid of feeling bad right now that we allow ourselves to suffer in the long term.

This Mercury retrograde is a gift. It’s a chance for you to observe the patterns of how you relate to others, the stories you tell yourself, and how you face challenges in your life. If you always tuck tail and run—what if you tried something different? If you distract yourself with meaningless activities—what if you cleared all the clutter away until you were forced to deal with what actually mattered?

We all outgrow our terrible boyfriends (and girlfriends). There’s no reason we can’t outgrow old patterns, either.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Aries –

Retrogrades can ramp up anxiety in anyone, but especially you, Aries. Your energy may turn from productive to restless during this time, so be sure to schedule plenty of outings and activities that engage you in mind, body and spirit. If you go to bed and your wheels are spinning, that’s a good indicator that your days aren’t fulfilling you, and you need to make an adjustment.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Taurus –

You’re ready for a new challenge, Taurus, and the world is LISTENING. It’s time to take the next step—in your career, relationships, getting bangs, etc. Remember: Framing and perspective are everything. Be aware that retrogrades do add a little extra flavor (read: lite calamity), so take your time. Make sure you know what you want before you commit. And maybe wait until August for the bangs.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Gemini –

With your ruling house in retrograde, you’ve got your hands full. Or, fuller than usual. This retrograde will mess with your emotions, making you less empathetic and nurturing than usual. Notice when you feel the urge to follow your emotions instead of your head. Sleep on big decisions before making them, and fight the urge to commit to all of the things.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Cancer –

Reap the benefits of your karmic power, Cancer. It’s ya bday month, and I wish you all the love and joy this world has to offer. This retrograde should be a little kinder to you than the other signs, thanks to the placement of your first house. Don’t be afraid to shine, and let others adore you. Eat cheesecake, and buy the nicer chapstick <3.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Leo –

Don’t overthink it, Leo. Easier said than done, obviously. But listen, there is no perfect algorithm that is going to make everyone happy, get you your happy ending, and make sure you never get tagged in a terrible picture ever again. We don’t get that kind of resolution in life. Not making a choice, or agonizing over the future just makes you suffer unnecessarily. Make a decision and move on.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Virgo –

It’s time for a vacation, Virgo. The sooner, the better. If you have the means, go away for a weekend getaway. It doesn’t have to be expensive or exotic. You just need a break in the routine, a chance to show you how many options you really have. If a vacation isn’t feasible right now, at least take a concrete step in planning something. Buy a plane ticket, mark off some days in your calendar—just make it happen.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Libra –

This retrograde, above all, I want you to focus on integrity in your work. This could be on your schoolwork, your actual $cashmoney$ job work, or any art or hobby that gives you purpose. (If none of this is resonating—I urge you to think harder. What’s something you do that makes you lose track of time? That makes you feel good during and after?) Are you doing your best? And if not, what’s stopping you from giving your all?

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Scorpio –

Your self-contained attitude can come off as standoffish, and this retrograde, it may serve as fodder for conflict. You don’t need to change yourself, but be sure to be extra patient with others, and when in doubt—hold onto that thought. Speaking honestly is important, but there are also things that we just don’t need to say (like, there is literally never a time when you should tell someone you liked their old hairstyle better). Show your gentler side.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Sagittarius –

Your impulsive nature can lead to some of the best memories of all time. What is it about serendipity that has a special shine that curation just can’t replicate? There’s a middle-ground between total spontaneity and like, doing laundry so regularly you have no room to follow your whims and indulge in your spontaneous side. This retrograde, notice where you need balance, and chase it—where does most of your stress come from?

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Capricorn –

This retrograde might have you dealing with a power struggle—in your relationships, at work, and even with yourself. Your long-held beliefs about the world may be challenged—it may come to light that traditional ideas don’t work for you. Or a new dynamic in your relationships or within your family are making your cortisol skyrocket. Either way, try finding a solution that everyone can live with. Hint: You’ll know if it’s a good compromise because everyone will be slightly upset, but not enough to have a full confrontation about it!

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Aquarius –

This retrograde may feel like a suckerpunch to the self-esteem, Aquarius, so protect your heart. Try not to take things personally, and communicate with friends and loved ones as much as possible. You are not a burden, and people want to be there for you. Something that may help with self-worth is spending more time and energy on creative expression or your art/hobbies. Finding things that bring you joy and make you feel a sense of accomplishment is crucial this retrograde.

STYLECASTER | Gird Your Loins—Mercury Is Going Retrograde for Most of July

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Pisces –

Abundance and positivity over negativity, Pisces. When you’re in a bad place, it can be frustrating to hear your friends chirp about gratitude and positivity—especially because they’re right. Reframing is actually a cognitive behavioral technique in retraining your brain. Life is always going to come with its bullshit, so learning how to pivot your mind to enjoy all of the good things is a skill that will benefit you in retrogrades and beyond.

Take what resonates with you this retrograde, and look for patterns. The cliché is that actions speak louder than words. But the truth is—actions scream. So listen up, pay attention. When your bad boyfriend calls up at 2 A.M. with a ‘hey. U up? ;),’ delete the text, roll over, and fall asleep to the sound of your self-worth doing a celebratory Running Man dance.

Until next time!

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2RUyAfK

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