martes, 2 de julio de 2019

Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It’s Not Messing Around

Saturn opposition is kind of a big deal. Retrogrades tend to get all the press, but planetary opposition is not here to mess around. Saturn opposition is when Saturn is located directly opposite any other planet. In this case, July 1-7 will have us experiencing Saturn opposite the sun. This opposition also occurs when the planet as it its closest and brightest. Stargazers—this is some serious business. Now is the time to look up at the sky instead of down at your phone or shoes!

So what does this mean for us? Oppositions, like retrogrades, are usually a time of heightened energy and conflict. Since Saturn rules such important rules and concepts as karma, responsibility, authority and even time—this can be tricky. Being late to important meetings or events is more likely during the time, and an increase in obligations can make even the most mild-tempered signs a little more snappy and stressed than usual.

My advice? Slow down. It might seem antithetical to slow down just when things are starting to ramp up—but here’s the thing. While oppositions (and retrogrades) tend to heighten conflict and tensions, underneath it all, that tension and conflict was already there.

Time for one of my exhausting metaphors: Obstacles and challenges in life are like really stubborn hormonal acne. It can pop up at any time, with absolutely no warning. And if we are constantly reacting by covering up with concealer and various pastes and potions that deprive us of our ability to say, pay our rent, we’re never going to get a heads up on this monster. Instead of reacting, we need to learn how to stay the course. How to be patient and take our time. Mindfulness is like a consistently applied, medical-grade Retin-A (the only dermatologist approved cream that will actually help your acne—everything else is BS).

So let’s all stop picking at our faces—and stop brushing our teeth in the shower to save time, while we’re at it. Like Saturn, let’s stand in opposition to the idea that we should be so rushed and constantly stressed that I have to worry about adult-onset acne at 27 years old, cause that shit is tired. And so am I.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Aries –

You like things done quickly and efficiently (don’t we all?), but this Saturn opposition, be careful not to let your high expectations create conflict with others. This could extend to any all relationships—especially family—but it would be wise to ride out this week by focusing on all the positives and attributes of those you love to avoid unnecessary sniping and bickering.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Taurus –

If we’re being honest, avoiding drama at work/school is suuuper hard. But it’s absolutely crucial for you to stay out of whatever is brewing, Taurus. Your coworkers, even those who want you to engage in the gossip/situation, will appreciate your professionalism and save you from the subsequent damage of whatever is happening. Smile and remain noncommittal. You are Switzerland.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Gemini –

Be mindful of your actions and words this Saturn opposition. Leaving room for interpretation from others is a surefire way to mess up communication and hurt feelings. Take time to figure out your feelings, and don’t feel like you need to have all the answers just yet.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Cancer –

Be prepared to give those you love some space this opposition. Even the healthiest and most thriving relationships need distance sometimes. Checking in with yourself is healthy, and giving loved one and friends this same space is crucial. This is also a great way to reinforce boundaries, and to find your own space within relationships.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Leo –

Health is going to be a big focus for you in the coming months, Leo. But it all starts now. Making investments in your future health starts now. These responsibilities can seem soooo unsexy now, but they’ll keep your body from turning into a sad, lump potato in your middle age. It’s not even about being hot, honestly. It’s about being able to walk around without feeling like your soul is crumbling.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Virgo –

You’ve probably always identified as a goal-setter, or someone who loves to plan and plot. This trait will be tested during the Saturn opposition. Consider making an accountability partner, or someone reliable to help you keep reaching for your goals. Your dependable nature, compounded with your drive and love of accomplishment will keep you right on track.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Libra –

When life gets really stressful or uncertain, I always clean my room. It can seem frivolous in the moment, but the act of clearing things out—of making room for the new—always gives me a chance to decide on a course of action. And I want that for you, Libra. It’s time for a serious declutter—digital and physical. Burn it all down ;).

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Scorpio –

This opposition may feel like a sucker-punch to the feels, what with all the big life happenings that have been happening. But consider this a gentle reminder to take your time. Be patient not only with those around you, but yourself. Any major decisions will wait until this is all over. Don’t rush.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Sagittarius –

It’s time to plan your next six months, Sagittarius. This opposition will be filled with conflicting emotions, but there’s gold there, too. You just have to look for it. If you don’t know what you want, try a different approach. What do you definitely NOT want, and plan from there. Take it one step at a time.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Capricorn –

Draw a line in the sand, Capricorn. It’s time to break out of old habits—and tense relationships, too. Don’t settle in life or love. (The only caveat is a job if you have to pay your bills. Capitalism is RUDE.) While it’s smart to wait on any major decisions until Saturn is out of opposition, don’t be afraid to confront what you want. It all starts with the decision to stop avoiding what you’re afraid of.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Aquarius –

Revel in your independence—one of your finest traits, and something that many of the signs can learn from. This opposition is a good time to enjoy your own company, and eat all of the good snacks without guff from anyone. Watch bad TV! Eat all the strawberry pop-tarts (there is NO OTHER ACCEPTABLE FLAVOR). Hibernation isn’t always a bad thing. Enjoy your freedom without guilt.

STYLECASTER | Saturn Opposition Is Coming—and It's Not Messing Around

Pisces –

Spirituality has been coming up as a theme for you quite a bit this summer. This opposition, consider taking it one step forward. What are you looking for? How can you honor this part of you that wants something bigger than what you have? It’s OK to have questions. It’s OK not to answer them. This opposition, let your mind wander. It’ll usually come back, better than ever.

Check your rising and moon signs for more information. This opposition will only be as difficult as the resistance you have to the right choices. And you already know what those are.

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster

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