jueves, 25 de julio de 2019

The 4 Signs Most Likely to Make a Grand, Romantic Gesture as Venus Enters Leo on July 27

On July 27, 2019, Venus will move into Leo. And your Venus in Leo horoscopes will basically set the stage for a romantic comedy—grand gestures, proclamations of undying love and adoration—that sort of thing. You know, super hot leading characters with wise, best friends that they don’t listen to until the very climax of the movie. Essentially, all that juicy and unrealistic stuff that we obsess over in high school so we can spend the rest of our lives with unmet expectations of romance that make everyone feel inadequate!

Not to say that grand romantic gestures don’t have their place. And for some signs, a big jazz-hands announcement is the pinnacle of romance—their love language speaks in ’80s prom dresses, and they’ve definitely seen the Breakfast Club more than once.

So with this planetary placement, the time is ripe for engagements, birth announcements and next steps in your relationship (even if they suck, in which case, dump them compassionately and move on, etc., etc.). What’s really important is to be true to thine own self. If making a spectacle of yourself in public via some grand announcement makes you feel like going full-fetal and cringing—don’t do it! When we don’t want to do something, it can come out forced and cringe-y. The most romantic thing you can do, really, is listen and be thoughtful. I think that’s what most people really want, when it comes down to it. To be heard and seen, and treated as someone special and important.

For some, this might mean a partner who meticulously prepares your coffee for your every morning, or makes sure you always have air in your tires. For others, this might mean sparkly jewelry or flowers every payday. Whatever works. Just make sure you do something. Love is a choice, and a cycle. Make it one that feeds you and your partner.

And stay away from fire. I know some people love to write things out in fire but it IS ALWAYS A BAD IDEA. Anyways.

The four zodiac signs most likely to make grand romantic gestures this Venus in Leo:

The 4 Signs Most Likely to Make a Grand, Romantic Gesture as Venus Enters Leo on July 27 | STYLECASTER

Taurus –

Given that Venus is Taurus’ ruling planet, it should come as no surprise that Taurus loves a good fist-pump/declaration combo. They live to love. And with a great appreciation for material pleasures and the finer things in life, they’re the type to propose on a mountain top, write a song and perform it somewhere, or do something that would make a shyer sign quake in their lil baby boots. With Taurus, it’s important to know their love language, and put consistent effort and time into making them feel special.

The 4 Signs Most Likely to Make a Grand, Romantic Gesture as Venus Enters Leo on July 27 | STYLECASTER

Leo –

Ahh, enthusiastic Leo. You make for a fun partner, always wanting to try novel things and always game for just about any suggestion. With Venus in your house, you might be feeling a little more amorous than usual. Feed your love of drama and creativity by showing your partner all the things you love about them, through the lens of your own eyes. Go out for pancakes at 4 P.M. and then slow dance in a park. Run from the police together after committing a mild misdemeanor. Whatever feels good and right and true.

The 4 Signs Most Likely to Make a Grand, Romantic Gesture as Venus Enters Leo on July 27 | STYLECASTER

Virgo –

While a big gesture might seem out of character for modest Virgo, it speaks more to the level of commitment and devotion that Virgos hold for their partners than anything else. Virgos often demand perfection from themselves, and romance is no exception. They want to wine, dine and…feline you. You know, like buy you cats. Virgo’s grand gestures may seem modest or small to some—dinner and a walk in the park, a sneaky kiss in public (gasp! PDA!), but it makes them all the more special.

STYLECASTER | How the Summer Solstice Will Affect Each Sign

Libra –

Libra is also ruled by Venus, making them charming and sultry partners that love to flirt and dabble in frivolity. They want to lavish their partners in gifts and attention—as long as they don’t have to choose the restaurant. Libra is a sign that loves to pamper—themselves and others. They’re always up for a massage or facial, and extravagance can be Libra’s natural resting state when Venus is in Leo. So go big or go home, Libra and co. Treat. Yo. Self.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2GsK0CT

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