lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

Your Weekly Horoscope: New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

It is the year of our lord, 2019, and July is already here. I’m not entirely sure where June went, but I do know that July has arrived—with a numerological bang. (Seriously, your July 1-7 weekly horoscope is insane.) On Tuesday, July 2, the universe is delivering us a simultaneous new moon and total solar eclipse, leaving us filled to the brim with new energy and left in the dark all at once. On Thursday, July 4, Venus will move into Cancer, leaving our love lives pulled in all kinds of emotional directions. And on Sunday, July 7, Mercury will go retrograde—an event all of us are undoubtedly dreading.

These shake-ups may seem uncharacteristically clustered at the start of the month, but rest (un)assured knowing the universe will continue to be this unabashedly extra for the rest of July. Lots of planetary movement awaits. Three meteor showers are headed our way. Not to mention, there are two—two!!!—new moons slated to come our way in this 31-day period.

Intensity abounds. Shake-ups are en route. All any of us can do is take this utter astrological chaos one day—or perhaps, one week—at a time.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Aries –

Bold Aries, as Mars enters Leo on July 1, you may find that your cup overrunneth with confidence (more than usual)—and all kinds of romantic ideas, too. And everything will sound like a good idea. That text to your ex? That NSFW photo? That DM? Force yourself to breathe during the start of the week, holding off your temptation for absolute spontaneity. Venus will enter the scene on Thursday, giving you a chance to make a more level-headed decision. (And don’t worry about sacrificing that bold AF energy. Mras will stay in Leo for a full six weeks, giving you plenty of opportunities to perfect your DM before hitting “send.”)

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Taurus –

Sweet, indulgent Taurus—you homebody, you. Feisty Mars is moving to Leo for six weeks, and you may find yourself tempted to KonMari your entire effing home. Harness this energy—use it as an excuse to do that cleanse, that renovation, that redecoration you’ve been mulling over for weeks. Or simply take advantage of the opportunity to luxuriate in your space a bit (something you always do well).

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Gemini –

Gemini, my lovely social butterfly. Your extroversion will be out in full force this week, as the excitement of the new moon will propel you into new situations—and toward new people. Share one of those beautiful ideas fluttering around in your head with the world. And then share another. Use the energy of the new moon and solar eclipse to indulge your most outgoing tendencies—then take advantage of Venus’ soft energy to cool off later in the week.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Cancer –

Deep-feeling Cancer, this is your season. It may feel embroiled with astrological chaos, but remember, it’s your time. Feel your feelings. Spend time with loved ones. Express what you’re holding inside you. And don’t let the change throw you off. The solar eclipse in Cancer (ahem) might just invite you to make the most of these seemingly endless transitions. Take advantage. Embrace the excitement. And treat yourself to a few small luxuries, while you’re at it.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Leo –

Sweet, fiery Leo—all signs point to you getting even more fiery as Mars heads your way on July 1. With that—and the solar eclipse in your spiritual zone—you’ll be in self-improvement mode for the entire month of July (and probably a little after, too). Try to stay centered amidst all this excitement; you’ll be able to more easily make the most of these near-constant changes if you have a clear idea of what you want from them.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Virgo –

Lovely Virgo, you may find yourself more grounded than many of the other signs this week—and perhaps well into the rest of July, too. Mars in Leo won’t hit you as hard as the others, making it easier for you to dedicate time to meditation and self-reflection. Do some much-needed emotional housekeeping. Resolve situations that are draining your energy and resources. Wipe the slate clean. This month promises to be absolutely wild—brimming with chaos and possibility. Make space for all the beauty that awaits.

Feb. 2019 Horoscopes | Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Libra –

Kind and friendly Libra, mind your social calendar this week. You may enjoy the occasional commitment, but with all the astrological action, your day-to-day may load up faster than expected—leaving social engagements feeling more like a chore than a celebration. This is a time to have fun, enjoy romance and relish good company. Just make sure you’re creating space for alone time—and the vital refreshment it provides.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Scorpio –

Sweet Scorpio, you’re prone to chase exactly what you want—and Mars moving through your goals sector could propel you even further forward than usual. Consider lightening the load on more routine responsibilities to make space for potential new opportunities. Whatever you’re striving for, be willing to put forth extra effort. Ambition is a beautiful thing, and accomplishment is, too.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Sagittarius –

Adventure (your favorite word, sweet Sagittarius) is headed your way with bold Mars moving into your travel sector. Now is the perfect time to get at it. Plan a trip. Visit a friend. Discover a new place. Though you’re one for change, excitement, energy, the solar eclipse may usher in a transition that catches you off-guard. Remember, shifts often feel awkward at first, but level out over time. You know this. Remind yourself when necessary.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Capricorn –

Change is upon you, sweet Capricorn. Mars is slated to move into the more transformative zones in your chart, leaving your life upended. This may feel threatening at first, as you value being firmly rooted, grounded, stationary. But use it as a chance to weed out the parts of life that aren’t serving your best interests. Reset. Plant yourself even more effectively this time around.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Aquarius –

Lovely Aquarius, Mars’ movement will challenge you to approach relationships a little differently than you have in the past. Process your feelings and express them. I know, I know—you prefer to live within the confines of your beautiful mind. But as Mercury goes retrograde at the end of the week, your window for clear communication may be closing. Take advantage of the chance to voice how you’ve been feeling, how things could change for the better. And charge headfirst into July, emboldened with new, more balanced energy.

STYLECASTER | STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 1-July 7): New Moons, Eclipses and Retrogrades—Oh. My.

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Pisces –

Spicy Pisces, you are always caring. Always giving. Always doting. As Mars enters your lifestyle zones, it’s time to redirect the focus toward yourself. Detox the bits of your life that have been draining you for far too long. Let the energy of the eclipse embolden you as you chase exactly what you need. And let Venus’ mellow, romantic energy chill things out in the wake of these big changes. You deserve everything. Go get it.

As always, if your horoscope doesn’t resonate, check your rising sign.


Originally published on

from StyleCaster

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