lunes, 22 de febrero de 2021

Ooh La La, Your Weekly Horoscope Says Romance Is In The Air

Morning, babe! Welcome to your weekly horoscope for February 22-28 2021. While we may not see or feel it at first, this is a powerful week. We’ll make small but impactful decisions. So, no pressure!

On Wednesday, Mars (planet of passion) in Taurus trines Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn, bringing a subtle yet powerful energy. Use this time to follow your passions and urges. However, don’t go overboard and quit your job or something. Take baby steps. It could lead to something wonderful.

Romance is in the air when Venus (planet of love) enters Pisces on Thursday. Venus is exalted in Pisces, bringing extra power and awareness. For the next four weeks, love affairs and relationships will be tender, affectionate, and very forgiving. If you’re single, you may experience a sense of longing and develop crushes on people.

Last, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo on Saturday, bringing out our inner perfectionist as we try to organize inner chaos. Do yourself a favor and let go of your expectations and be open to the unanticipated.

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moonstone crystal Ooh La La, Your Weekly Horoscope Says Romance Is In The Air

Courtesy of Loveliome.

What kind of stones do you need on-hand as the full moon approaches? Everyone knows beautiful moonstone is seen as the stone of new beginnings, so carrying it with you during the Full Moon in Virgo could be a great move.

Buy: Gray Moonstone Palm Crystal $15.99


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Follow your career passions this week, Aries, it could lead to success, even if you don’t see the results at first. Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday, pushing you toward your passion. You might not see the value in your efforts right away, but keep at it.

Focus on self-love and self-acceptance for the next four weeks once Venus enters Pisces and your sector of privacy on Thursday. Any intimacy issues you have will make their way to the surface as you pine over a former lover and unattainable crushes. This could lead to self-destructive behavior if you don’t nurture yourself.

Saturday brings a day of self-improvement. The full moon is in Virgo and your sector of routine, encouraging you to let go of bad habits and focus on self-improvement.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week begins with some major transformation as Mars in your sign trines Pluto in Capricorn. This brings opportunities for self-discovery as you reexamine your personal values and opinions about different situations. Allow your curiosity to drive you forward. You’ll make some fascinating discoveries.

On Thursday, your love life becomes a little more social when Venus enters Pisces and your sector of friendship, giving a boost to your social life. You may find yourself lucky in love and finances. Allow yourself to dream big, but if you come into any money, spend it wisely.

The week ends on a sensual note with the full moon in Virgo and your sector of pleasure on Saturday. This lunation can create a lovely evening if you can let go of the idea of “perfection.” To find satisfaction, allow your evening to be messy and creative.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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On Wednesday, let go of the past and embrace growth and change when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, creating a powerful day to let go and start over. This will be very subtle, but if you take a small step, it could lead to a big transformation down the line.

On Thursday, Venus enters dreamy Pisces and your career sector. For the next few weeks, you’ll be focusing more on your career, dreaming of promotions and fantasizing about your ideal job. However, you won’t be cutthroat about getting what you want. This could also lead to an office romance, so watch out.

However, Saturday brings some family drama when the full moon is in Virgo and your home sector. Your private life could become chaotic, but don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to fix it. Instead of making things “nice,” focus on taking care of yourself.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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This week is all about keeping an open mind. It starts on Wednesday when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you to follow your heart when it comes to love. Be empowered in your relationships as you ask for what you want, but always be willing to listen to your partner’s needs as well.

On Thursday, Venus enters Pisces and will be your sector of philosophy for the next few weeks. You may see your relationships from an entirely different point of view. This could be a time of long-distance love, or you might meet someone while traveling. This time can also renew your love of learning and adventure.

Saturday is all about manifesting when the full moon is in Virgo and your communication zone. This full moon helps your ability to clearly communicate your intentions and goals. It’s also a great time to take a short trip or connect with siblings.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Slow and steady wins the race this week, Leo. Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday, bringing you opportunities for success as long as you remain patient. If you try to rush, it could completely backfire.

Luckily, Venus entering Pisces on Thursday will keep you occupied. Venus in your sector of intimacy makes romance extra dreamy. You’ll have the potential to fall deeply in love, and you could easily fall for delusions. Don’t completely lose your sense of reality, and wait before committing to anything. You can’t know all the facts while you’re in a love haze.

The week ends with a focus on money when the full moon is in Virgo on Saturday. With the moon in your sector of value, it could mean a big payday is coming your way. However, don’t spend it all at once. Save it for a rainy day.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Find ways to unleash your inner self and express your wants and desires this week, Virgo. On Wednesday, Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you to do what makes you feel good. What are you passionate about? What do you want to focus your energies on?

Love is in the air for you on Thursday when Venus enters Pisces and your sector of partnership. For the next few weeks, love will become more tender and compassionate as you find gentleness in your relationship. You may discover your creative side through making art or decorating your space.

The week ends on a positive note when the full moon is in your sign on Saturday. This is an opportunity to come into your full power as you turn chaos into organized energy. Let go of your inner perfectionist and embrace who you are. Celebrate yourself!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

There’s a chance to transform your family relationship and build stronger bonds on Wednesday if you’re willing to work on it. Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, allowing you an opportunity to bond with someone. Take a small step toward intimacy, Libra.

Your love life and finances may become a bit more reliable, starting when Venus enters Pisces on Thursday. Your ruling planet will be in your sector of routines for the next couple of weeks, making life more imaginative but also less practical. Be careful when it comes to money and losing your heart.

Focus on self-care and inner reflection when the full moon is in Virgo and your sector of privacy on Saturday. If you’ve been working on healing over the last few months, prepare to see some results. However, if you’ve been a bit self-destructive recently, you could see the consequences of that as well.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

It’s all about making connections this week, starting on Wednesday. Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, making you ready to do some hustling to get ahead in your career. This is a good day to network and get a handle on some of your more ambitious goals.

However, don’t get so busy with work that you forget to have a little fun. On Thursday, Venus enters Pisces and your sector of pleasure. For the next few weeks, your imagination will get a big boost, and you’ll be encouraged to express your creativity in artistic ways.

The week ends on a fun note when the full moon is in Virgo and your sector of friendship on Saturday. This is a great day to hang out with a couple of close friends. Kick back and have some fun, Scorpio. You deserve it!



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Money is on your mind this week when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday. This is an excellent day to take a look at your financial situation and figure out how to improve it. Start a savings account, create a budget, or learn about investing—any one of these would be a great way to start. Small steps you take today can lead to big rewards later.

The winter blues may start to get to you when Venus enters Pisces on Thursday. Venus will be in your family sector for the next few weeks, turning you into a big, old homebody. As you stay at home, start redecorating or do some online shopping. Remember, you can make your home beautiful without blowing your budget.

Keep your ego in check when the full moon is in Virgo on Saturday. Just because you aren’t the “best” at something doesn’t mean you’re not making excellent progress.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Follow your passions this week, Capricorn. They can take you to some pretty wonderful places. It starts when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in your sign on Wednesday, making you eager to try something new or develop a new image of yourself. Pour this passion into doing something that makes you feel excited.

On Thursday, Venus enters dreamy Pisces. While you’re not an “emotional” sign, Venus in your sector of communication makes it easier to tell people how you feel. Let your imagination run wild as you get inspired by everything. While this can be a romantic time, don’t completely lose your head.

Adventure awaits you when the full moon is in Virgo on Saturday, making you ready for discovery and knowledge. The moon in your sector of philosophy highlights everything you’ve learned over the last few months. Don’t dwell on mistakes, but learn from them and grow.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a busy month, things are beginning to slow down for you. On Wednesday, Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, bringing opportunities for emotional healing in family relationships. You could find safety and comfort at home as you take some time to rest. Be gentle with yourself.

Then get ready to spread the love when Venus leaves your sign for Pisces on Thursday. With Venus now in your sector of value, you start feeling more generous and unselfishly give your personal resources to others. While this brings out the humanitarian in you, don’t give all of yourself away, especially to people who may not appreciate it. Stay logical.

Finally, the full moon in Virgo brings transformations on Saturday. The moon in your sector of intimacy allows you opportunities to develop stronger bonds with others and let go of the past.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

As more planets enter your sign, use your power to get what you desire when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday. You can easily influence others and win them over. These new friends could come in handy later.

On Thursday, Venus enters your sign, where it will stay for the next few weeks. Venus is exalted in Pisces, making it extra powerful. This could lead to new beginnings for you when it comes to love and romance. Your dream partner or your dream life just might materialize during this gentle and affectionate time for you.

The romance only intensifies when the full moon is in Virgo and your sector of partnerships on Saturday. If you’ve had a prolonged crush, this could be when you finally seal the deal. This won’t be the “perfect” relationship, but it can be magical if you let it.


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