lunes, 1 de febrero de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Urging You To Follow Your Dreams

Welcome to a new month! Your weekly horoscope for February 1-7 2021 is here. We start the month with a lot of Aquarius energy, with the sun (planet of self), Mercury (planet of communication), Jupiter (planet of abundance), and Saturn (planet of foundation) all in the Water-Bearer’s sign. Venus (planet of love) joins the rest of the planets in Aquarius on Monday, creating a stellium—which only gets more powerful when the new moon enters the sign next week.

For the next two weeks, the energy will be friendly, innovative, and eccentric. This is an ideal time to become more independent, follow your dreams, and get involved in social issues. If you’re an Aquarius, make the most of this time when you’re at your most powerful. Big changes are on the way.

However, don’t try to achieve everything all at once. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, creating a deep need for personal space. There could be a strong urge to self-isolate, but don’t suddenly cut everyone off or friendships could be damaged. Keep an eye on finances to prevent any impulsive spending.

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Screen Shot 2021 02 01 at 8.35.42 AM Your Weekly Horoscope Is Urging You To Follow Your Dreams

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Into crystals? Utilizing some green jade might be helpful in getting you through this week. The stone promotes wealth and harmony—ideal as you’re reworking your finances and trying to maintain friendships with zero drama.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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You’re lucky in love this week when Venus enters Aquarius on Monday, creating the perfect time to start a love affair. During the next few weeks, your DMs will be blowing up with messages from potential romantic partners. You might even discover that you’re attracted to people you weren’t expecting to fall for at all. Let your inner rebel out and break a few dating rules. Going off the beaten path could lead to love.

If you’re in a relationship, Venus in Aquarius can put the spice back in a tired routine. Enjoying interesting date nights, being a little rebellious, and getting very lucky in the bedroom are all possible during this time. Get weird!

However, watch out for burnout. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, creating tension between wanting to be social and wanting to be left alone. Friendships and relationships could suffer if you opt for isolation.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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On Monday, Venus enters Aquarius and your career zone. If you’ve been struggling with your career goals lately, it might be time to change your approach.

Use the innovative energies of the Water Bearer to think outside the box to get ahead. By coming up with new ideas, you could speed up your long-term goals and make them possible sooner. Brainstorm, Taurus! Sure, this may give you the reputation of being a little “out there,” but it will be worth it when you get the results you want. Just keep going.

However, you might have to deal with some tension at work when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday. Someone may feel threatened by your success and want to isolate you or block your progress. Or your new reputation could scare people away. Don’t let these people bother you. Instead, just focus on yourself and keep your personal life private.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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It’s time for adventure and wanderlust when Venus enters Aquarius on Monday. Venus enters your sector of philosophy, creating opportunities for travel and spurring you to make plans to explore the world.

If traveling isn’t in the cards for you, get involved in education, studying other cultures and different points of view. This is an especially good time to start learning about different social issues and broadening your knowledge of diverse topics. Expand your horizons, Gemini.

However, as you continue learning and exploring, you might come across some unpleasant things when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday. You may discover that you were completely wrong about an important issue, you could go on some misadventures, or you might lose a friend because of conflicting beliefs or points of view. While this can be a stressful period for your relationship, this is a good time to take a solo trip to clear your head and get centered.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your February begins on a very intimate note when Venus enters Aquarius on Monday. With the planet of love, beauty, and attraction in your zone of intimacy, expect things to get very intense very quickly! Your current relationship might transform in a new, unconventional way. If you’re currently single, you could fall in love with a rebellious sweetheart. You could also form strong bonds with others in unique ways over the next few weeks. It’s sure to be a wild time!

Your finances will be going through a transformation within the next couple of weeks as well. If you’ve been sharing money with someone—a joint checking account, a loan, living as a dependent—you may soon become financially independent.

However, the week ends on a sour note when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday, making you resistant to change, which could hurt you financially. Allow yourself to let the past go, Cancer.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Venus entering Aquarius on Monday creates the perfect conditions for falling in love, Leo. That’s because Venus enters your sector of partnerships. If you’re single and ready to mingle, this is a great time to start dating because you may find your other half. Keep an open mind, and don’t rule out anyone who isn’t your “type.” You could fall for someone completely unexpected—even a close friend.

If you’re happily committed, your partnership may get stronger during this time as you continue to bond. Sincere gestures of love, such as making your partner their favorite breakfast or doing weird dances to make them laugh, help build that connection. Embrace the unpredictable.

However, it’s not all roses this week. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Saturn, making relationships more competitive, or it could create some distance between you and your partner. Give one another space without detaching completely.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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The first week of February becomes quiet hectic for you when Venus enters Aquarius and your sector of work and routine on Monday. Your habits or carefully laid plans could turn completely upside down.

Your skincare routine could get completely out of whack, or you might have to take on more responsibilities, like becoming a caretaker in a relationship. Unexpected events could also disrupt your money flow. In any case, you’d better hold on tight. It’s going to be a wild ride for the next couple of weeks.

It doesn’t get much easier for the rest of the week. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Saturn to bring even more unpredictability into your life, especially in the area of love and finances. To cope, you might be tempted to detach yourself from the situation and grow distant and unemotional. However, try to stay present. This is all part of teaching you an important lesson.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Let the good times roll, Libra! You’re ready to take a walk on the wild side this week when Venus enters Aquarius on Monday, increasing the Aquarius stellium.

This stellium is happening in your sector of pleasure, so let out your inner rebel for the next two weeks. Go ahead and redecorate your home, paint weird pictures, get kinky! There are no rules! It’s a moment of self-expression. Find ways of showing off who you are by drawing, writing, painting, taking pictures, whatever makes you feel most like you.

Because this is a very “me” moment, make sure you create boundaries with people, especially when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday. Some people in your life may become too clingy, throwing you off balance. Express your independence. You don’t owe anyone a thing. Focus on what brings you pleasure, not on what people expect of you or what brings them pleasure.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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This month, you can expect the same old family drama. Sorry! Venus enters Aquarius and your family sector on Monday. They say home is where the heart is, but it can feel a little crowded when you have five planets in your home sector.

When the planet of love and attraction is in this rebellious sign, your domestic life could become a little unpredictable, especially if you choose to follow your own path and stray from family traditions. Embrace your journey, Scorpio!

However, tension comes to a head when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday. Your choice of romantic partner or a financial decision may not meet your family’s approval, creating some conflict. You might have to make a choice here: follow your heart or follow the traditional path. Don’t make this decision quickly or lightly. It could affect more things than you realize. Be smart.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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On Monday, Venus enters Aquarius and your sector of thinking and communication. It’s time to get logical about your financial situation, Sagittarius.

While many associate Venus with love, the planet also controls how we spend money. You might suddenly get the impulse to do some redecorating, buy some fancy clothes, or take a trip. However, this wouldn’t be wise in the long term. Instead, start thinking about your current needs and goals for the next couple of weeks. It’s okay to take a short trip or buy something nice, just don’t blow your whole paycheck on it.

Saturday could focus on sibling rivalry when Venus conjoins Saturn, creating some tension between you and your brothers or sisters. Instead of bickering, try to brainstorm and come up with a solution to your issues. It’s much easier to work together than to continue an argument that nobody can win.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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You had a good run with the planet of love in your sign, but on Monday, Venus leaves your sign in favor of sociable Aquarius and your sector of value. This could make you a little too focused on possessions and what you “own.”

You could become obsessed with a romantic partner and reveal your jealous streak. Or you could become completely detached from romance and focus primarily on your finances and buying things. Either way, it’s not a great time for romance.

And it doesn’t get much better when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday, creating even more distance between you and what you love as you seek financial stability. This would be an excellent day for some self-care. This is a time to create healthy boundaries and boost your self-esteem by acknowledging what is unique about you. Try it!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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With the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in your sign and Venus entering your sign on Monday, you are stepping into your power this month. If you want something, this is the time to go for it. Invest in your passions because they’ll pay off in big ways.

Venus will be in your sign for the next couple of weeks, making this the ideal time to focus on self-love. What makes you unique? What do you love about yourself? Start investing in your personal style by updating your wardrobe, changing your hairstyle, or stepping up your skincare game. Do whatever makes you feel good!

However, you’re going to have to deal with some conflicting energies when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday and your rebellious impulses clash with your more discipled side. Try to create some healthy boundaries without coming across as cold and unemotional. Balance is the key here.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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There’s a chill in the air and in your heart as Venus enters Aquarius on Monday, moving the planet of love into your sector of privacy.

For the next couple of weeks, you might feel more distant from loved ones as you become more and more introverted. This is a period of aloofness as you work on your inner healing. It’s not a great time to be social or start a romantic relationship.

Your need for privacy only intensifies when Venus conjoins Saturn on Saturday. You could become detached from reality, leaving your love life and financial situation up in the air. It’s okay to take some time out from the real world, but don’t go so deep into your own feelings that you forget everything else. Try looking for an outlet like journaling, making art, or talking to a professional to help you get out all of your subconscious emotions.


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