lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here—Prepare For Mercury Retrograde

How’s it hanging? Your weekly horoscope for January 10-16 2022 has arrived! How’s everyone’s 2022 going? Broken any resolutions yet? The week opens with a sweet sextile between the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, adding a mystical flair to an otherwise business-oriented season. What are your professional dreams? This week is the one to really fire up your manifestations, as Neptune taps into the dreamy side of things.

But as the collective basks in the novelty of the new year, I, as your weekly astro-weatherwoman, must warn you all that Mercury, the trickster planet, begins its first retrograde of the year starting on Friday, upping the retrograde planet tally.

But you all know the drill. Practice careful communication—especially with friends and those in your network—and be on the lookout for technological troubles. And in three weeks, the retrograde will be but a bad dream.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You start the week with a pretty rude awakening when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. You could discover that what you’ve been searching for isn’t what you expected. Some unsavory discoveries could leave a bitter taste in your mouth, but don’t make any rash decisions, Aries. You could come to regret them later.

This is your PSA to back up any important information and change your passwords now because Mercury goes into retrograde in your social zone on Friday. This retrograde could hit your technology pretty hard: texts not getting delivered, laptops getting hacked, and certain friendships feeling a strain.

The week ends with some major changes in your career that could impact your reputation as the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your career zone on Sunday. You could find yourself in a position of power, so use it wisely.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Stand by your moral code on Monday when the sun in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, bringing out some heavy peer pressure from others. Don’t be afraid to stick to your beliefs, Taurus. You could get rewarded one way or another for your ideals.

However, the rest of the week might get pretty sticky when Mercury goes into retrograde in your career zone on Friday. Remember to back up everything on your hard drive, because things could get very messy over the next few weeks. Possible delays might keep you from your ambitious goals, and there could even be a career shake-up. Double-check every email so you don’t hit “reply all” by accident.

Fortunately, you get an opportunity to expand your mind when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your expansion zone on Sunday. Some new information could be life-changing, especially regarding your values and culture.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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The week begins on an unpleasant note when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Someone could be working against you, possibly preventing you from getting your dream job. Don’t let someone’s lies keep you from your desires. Stay focused!

However, the week doesn’t get any easier when your ruling planet Mercury goes into retrograde in your expansion zone on Friday. Don’t plan any major trips, as they could be canceled or seriously delayed. Dial down your big ideas right now; they could be too big to manage. Try to stay grounded.

End the week with some major changes when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn in your transformation zone on Sunday. This could be a day of rebirth as powerful changes come your way. Make some power moves, Gemini, but don’t get too overwhelmed.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You start the week with big dreams of adventure and discovery when the sun in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Monday. However, you’ll need the help of a trusted partner. Whether you’re searching for a travel companion, study buddy, or someone to brainstorm with, you’ll find one today.

However, it might be difficult to get your ideas off the ground when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune on Tuesday. You have some big goals for yourself, but you might be stuck serving others, making you a little resentful. Stay above your anger, Cancer.

Then be very careful with your financial activities over the next couple weeks, as Mercury goes into retrograde in your intimacy zone on Friday. This isn’t a good time to lend money to others or start any big financial projects. You might not see the gains.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After spending weeks working on yourself, you’re changing your life for the better when the sun in Capricorn forms a sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Monday. This aspect can help you move forward with your life and see the positive outcomes of the changes you’ve made. You’ve become a new person, Leo, show it off!

The first retrograde of the year starts when Mercury goes backward in your partnership zone on Friday, making it not the best time to sign any major contracts or get married. But this is a good time to start renegotiating contracts if you’re dissatisfied, though you could become extra competitive to get what you want.

Try to quell those competitive urges by forming better habits when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your routine zone on Sunday. This is an ideal time to improve yourself and continue working on your New Year’s resolutions.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins with plenty of creative ideas as the sun in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Monday. With all those ideas, you’ll need to form a creative partnership to take things to the next level. This aspect can help you meet your match.

Your carefully laid plans for 2022 could go up in smoke when your ruling planet Mercury goes into retrograde in Aquarius, making the next couple of weeks extra difficult. With Mercury going backward in your habit zone, life could get extra messy, making it feel like it’s impossible to get anything done. Don’t ignore your health because of work stress, Virgo. It could make everything worse.

Fortunately, the week ends on a delightful note when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your pleasure zone on Sunday, creating a day of serious passion and romance. By expressing yourself, you are becoming even more powerful.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins full of energy and excitement when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. You are full of ideas and passion and so excited that you can’t get any work done! If you want to make your dreams a reality, you’re going to have to put in the work.

However, that might be difficult when Mercury goes into retrograde in your creativity zone on Friday, bringing some major roadblocks your way. You could have some difficulty focusing when reading, watching TV, or coming up with creative ideas. Find inspiration in unexpected places to get your groove back.

Sunday brings major changes to your personal life when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your family zone. Whether you’re thinking about moving, buying a home, or adding to the family, those changes could start today. Just be careful, Libra.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After a long shopping spree over the holiday season, you could discover that your wallet feels a little lighter when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. If you’re buying shoes and jewelry for a boost of happiness, take a step back. Try looking for a sense of self-worth that isn’t brought on by consumerism.

Friday brings some family drama when Mercury goes into retrograde in your home zone and remains so for the next few weeks. Old wounds from your childhood come back to the surface, making you feel all of the feels. Try talking to your family without engaging in a shouting match.

If you want something in your life to change, speak up when the sun in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in your communication zone on Sunday. You have the power to change your life if you do some planning. Speak it into existence, Scorpio.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start the week by going your own way if your personal dreams don’t align with your family’s expectations when Mars in your sign forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Don’t be afraid to forge your own path even if it means ruffling a few feathers, Sagittarius.

Your brain is going a mile a minute when Mercury goes into retrograde in your communication zone on Friday. Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll be running around, doing errands, and having bold ideas, which could quickly burn you out. Keep your emotional (and physical) batteries charged. You’ll be glad you did.

End the week by changing your financial life when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your value zone on Sunday. You might have the opportunity to make more money and appear wealthy and powerful. If you want to get noticed, flash a little cash (without going broke)!


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you want something, use your charm, and smooth-talk your way into getting what you desire when the sun in your sign forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Whether you’re asking for a raise, pitching a project idea, or showing off for your boss, your words will have the power to get what you desire.

Make sure you have some money in your saving account this week, Capricorn. You could experience a pause in your income when Mercury goes into retrograde in your value zone on Friday. You might miss a paycheck, overdue bill, or unexpected expense that could really hurt your wallet.

Fortunately, the week ends on a positive note when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your sign on Sunday. This is the perfect day to make important changes to your life that will affect you all year long.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Sure, you talked a big game about helping humanity on January 1, but when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, you’re going to have to back up that big talk. Put your money where your mouth is and donate some bucks to a good cause.

You’ve always been a little misunderstood, Aquarius. You’re known as the alien of astrology. However, being misunderstood takes on new meaning when Mercury goes into retrograde in your sign on Friday. Over the next couple of weeks, people will misread everything you say or do. Try not to rock too many boats.

Your week ends on a difficult note when the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto in your privacy zone on Sunday. This could be an intense day of endings that transform your life from one period to another. Discover more about yourself in private.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on a very positive note when the sun in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in your sign on Monday. You have some pretty big hopes this year, and you might have some opportunities to make a fresh start today. Let faith be your guide right now, Pisces.

However, you might have a difficult time figuring out what you really want when Mars in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune on Tuesday. While working overtime at your job might help you on your current career path, are you getting closer to your dreams?

We’re in the depths of winter now, and you could feel isolated when Mercury goes into retrograde in your privacy zone on Friday. Over the next couple of weeks, you might need time to reflect on your life and experience some bitter endings. However, don’t get so isolated that you become self-destructive.


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