lunes, 3 de enero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Starts Off January With A Bang

Welcome to January—let’s get it! Your weekly horoscope for January 3-9 2022 is here, so happy new year—and, perhaps more importantly, happy new moon! Risen on Sunday, January 2 at 10:33 a.m. PST, the first major lunation of 2022 served us an equally grounding and invigorating fresh start that beautifully aligned with the symbolism of entering a new calendar year. This ultra-focused new moon helps us build a sturdy foundation for our goals in the year ahead while also reminding us that the universe always has a few surprises in store, too.

With the sun and moon aligning in hardworking Capricorn (alongside values planet Venus and power-hungry Pluto), this lunation is highly supportive of any intentions related to work, money, and career. It’s a great time to plot your professional and financial goals for the year to come, as well as lay the concrete steps needed to accomplish them. Thinking ahead is essential under this new moon, as it will grant us both the foresight and the discipline we need to carry out our long-term goals.

With earth sign Capricorn at the helm, this new moon’s vibe is grounding, but this is no time to stay stuck in your old ways. Wild child planet Uranus is in a strong trine with the luminaries, sending a lightning bolt of magic and excitement into our new moon experience. This connection reminds us to stay open-minded and think outside the box when it comes to planning for the future. Additionally, positive lunar alignments with both motivated Mars and responsible Saturn reinforce our commitment to our New Year’s goals and up our overall stamina, making this a powerful time to make resolutions that we can actually stick to.

Capricorn energy can lean toward the traditional. However, Uranus’ unorthodox influence on this lunation asks us to leave room for the unexpected and break out of our usual routines as we visualize what lies before us. Success is just as much about going with the flow as it is focusing. So, be sure to leave room for unforeseen opportunities, magical surprises, and lightning bolts of inspiration that could send us soaring in a totally unexpected direction.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re usually the leader of the pack, but, as you start 2022, you might realize that working as a team can help you get what you want more quickly, even if it means you aren’t in charge (for once).

On Wednesday, Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, bringing you plenty of opportunities to network or join an important project. Put your best foot forward, and you’ll be one step closer to your dreams.

As we hit the weekend, your mind is on your career when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your career zone on Saturday. Focus your energies on looking good in the public eye and trying to win over important people. Don’t be afraid to use your personal relationships to help your career ambitions. Use every tool you have before Mercury goes retrograde, Aries.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s a new year, Taurus, and there are plenty of things you want to achieve in 2022. However, if you want to make sure that you’re successful, you’re gonna need some help.

As Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, you need to use your connections to help you get what you desire. Whether you want to travel, have a spirited debate, or collaborate on a project, the people in your life can help you expand your ideas and bring them to life.

The weekend becomes an adventure in romance when the sun conjoins Venus in your expansion zone on Saturday. This is an ideal time to grow your relationship with someone special. Learn more about them and their values if you want to make your important partnership last longer and stay stronger. Don’t be afraid to go deep right now.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Career aspirations are easier to achieve if you work together when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. Whether you’re sharing resources with someone to save money, going into a business partnership, or using your relationships to transform your career, you can make your dreams come true with some help and a little magic.

Continue to share resources when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your intimacy zone on Saturday. If the holidays have left you a little strapped for cash, it’s a good idea to move back in with family or get a roommate to save money.

You might also be transforming your life from “me” to “we” this weekend, especially if your romantic relationship grows serious. This is an ideal time to open a joint bank account, get engaged, or save money for the future. Life is getting pretty intense, Gemini.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s a new year, and you’re bursting with bold ideas when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. You have a ton of plans for 2022, Cancer. You just need some help to make them happen.

Take your bright ideas to some trusted friends for a brainstorming session. Your air-sign friends will see your idea from all perspectives, your fire-sign friends will give your idea new energy and ambition, and your earth-sign friends will help you make it happen!

Continue to partner up in both life and love when the sun conjoins Venus in your partnership zone on Saturday. This aspect encourages you to take the next steps in an important relationship. From forming a business to asking someone out, make sure you pick your partner wisely. This could be for the long haul.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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The first full week of 2022 could lead to a win/win situation for you if you compromise, Leo.

We know, it’s a pretty big ask, but as Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, you’ll need to learn that all of life is about give-and-take. By taking care of someone else, you’ll be able to get some of your more important needs met. Build up some good karma points now, and you’ll be rewarded later.

Use your charm to get your co-workers on your side when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your habit zone on Saturday. If you’re working on a very important project for work, the whole thing will go a lot more smoothly if you’re on good terms with everyone. It’s time to shine a light on your co-workers, so they’ll be more willing to help you out.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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The first full week of 2022 starts on a very romantic note when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. A casual fling from last year could turn into a serious relationship during this aspect. Go on, make your move. It could be the relationship of your dreams. Just don’t let your perfectionism ruin an otherwise lovely time.

The weekend promises to be even more romantic when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your pleasure zone on Saturday. This is an ideal time for a date with a serious or potentially serious romantic partner. It’s a magical aspect that allows love to bloom, so log onto your dating apps, and swipe right on passion. Whether you’re going steady, having a first date, or falling in love, it will be a memorable night that you’ll think about for the rest of the year. Make it count, Virgo!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After the whirlwind holiday season that kept you on your toes, it might be difficult for you to get back to business as usual when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday.

As you try to get back into your regular routines, don’t be afraid to ask your family for some assistance. They might have some tips to help you be more productive and relaxed as you get back on your feet.

In fact, it might be a good idea for you to spend the weekend with your family when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your home zone on Saturday. Yes, Libra, we know you just saw them over the holidays, but you might already be missing that emotional connection. Plan a big family dinner, and enjoy the comfort of being with the people you love. It will make your heart feel full.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s a new year, Scorpio, and if you started 2022 by entering into a new relationship, figure out how to keep it happy and fun when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday.

Here’s a hint: communication! Yes, it isn’t your strong suit. However, if you want your relationship to work, you need to actually tell the other person what you want and need. Don’t just think they can read your mind (they can’t).

Try this out when the sun conjoins Venus in your communication zone on Saturday. If something is bothering you, don’t let it fester inside until it turns into resentment. That doesn’t create a happy or healthy relationship. Instead, allow yourself to open up and let it out. You’ll feel much better, and your relationship can grow stronger for it. Work out these issues before Mercury turns retrograde.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s the first full week of 2022, which means you finally have to take down your holiday decorations. We know, Sagittarius. It’s a total bummer, but don’t be so blue!

When Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, you’ll get an opportunity to redecorate your entire space. Start the new year fresh with some new paint and great décor. It’s time to make your house or apartment a home.

While you’re cleaning out the clutter, it might be time to take a good look at your relationships and see if they need a little sprucing up when the sun conjoins Venus on Saturday. This aspect is in your value zone, encouraging you to invest in the connections that matter to you: the people who value you. Anyone who doesn’t can go right to the curb with your old curtains!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s the first week of a brand-new year, and if you’re looking to fall in love in 2022, Capricorn, you might just get your opportunity when Venus in your sign forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday.

This aspect makes it easier to give a great first impression, so use it to your advantage by asking out someone or going on a first date. You’ll be sure to make them swoon.

Speaking of relationships, it might be a good idea to look at current ones—professional, platonic, romantic—when the sun conjoins Venus in your sign on Saturday. How do you behave when you’re in a relationship? If you’re starting a new one right now, handle it with care. First impressions mean more now, so make it count. One wrong move and you could find yourself very lonely.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You have a lot of big dreams that you want to come true, Aquarius. As Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, start building your dreams in private to boost your self-esteem.

Brick by brick, you’ll be able to make huge changes for yourself into the future. Keep your good news and plans close to the vest to shock everyone later. You don’t need any bad vibes ruining your positivity.

Saturday brings the possibility of a breakup when the sun conjoins Venus in your privacy zone, taking you further into solitude. However, think before you call things off. Are you ending things to move on to something better or because you’re being self-destructive? Be mindful of the sacrifices you make. You could find out that the grass isn’t really greener on the other side of that fence, especially in January.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your friends always have your back, Pisces. Something that you’ll really understand when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in your sign on Wednesday.

A word from a friend could help you get a new opportunity that you’ve been waiting for, from a possible job to a tip on a new apartment just opening up. Letting your friends help you can lead to better things in your life.

Continue to invest in your friendships when the sun forms a conjunction with Venus in your social zone on Saturday. After a busy holiday season, this is an ideal time to reconnect with friends and have some fun together. Even if it’s just hanging out or getting coffee. This is also an ideal day to make new friends and acquaintances. They could become important to you later. Either way, just have fun and enjoy it.


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