viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Capricorn, Your February Horoscope Is All About Getting Your Coin

It may feel like your finances are all over the map this month, Capricorn. As Mercury retrogrades through your second house of money, you may be forced to think of your cash differently, asking yourself how you can save better, spend more wisely and budget your finances accordingly. It may sound tedious and dull, but it’s only the beginning of your Capricorn February 2021 horoscope!

February is also about embracing a deeper sense of stability in your life. When Venus enters your grounded and sensual second house, you may start craving relationships you know you can depend on; relationships that will last. Your sex life might also receive a pleasant boost as your desire for human touch intensifies! When the new moon blasts through your down-to-earth second house, it may be time to release the chaos in your life and build the strong foundation you deserve.

However, while stability is nice, it can also be boring. On February 17, Saturn will square Uranus and increase the tension between your desire to be a responsible adult and your desire to let loose. You may be repressing the urge to make a frivolous purchase or abandon your priorities for something far more thrilling. Temper these instincts by introducing more joy and creativity into your life, because you absolutely deserve it!

Things will start to speed up come February 18, when the sun enters your third house of communication. This will increase your itinerary and your desire for mental stimulation, encouraging you to challenge yourself. And as Mercury retrograde comes to a close on February 20, you’ll also have an easier time regaining control of your finances and getting a firm grasp on your reality. Plus, your social life will liven up by February 25, when Venus enters your charming third house and encourages you to regale everyone with clever comebacks and fascinating stories.

Lucky for you, your earning potential will receive a gratifying boost as of February 26. When Jupiter trines the North Node, it will tap into your desire to work hard and be compensated for your services accordingly. But February 27 is when the real magic begins, because a full moon will light up your adventurous ninth house of expansion, showing you a beautiful new perspective of the world!

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