viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Pisces, Your February Horoscope Calls For Lots Of Self-Reflection

The month of February involves a lot of reflection and inner work, Pisces, but no one is better suited to the task than you! As Mercury retrogrades through your 12th house of spirituality, you may find yourself mulling over the past, reliving memories and possibly even experiencing nostalgia. All this dreamy thinking can leave you feeling disconnected from the present, but your Pisces February 2021 horoscope proves that that’s not always a bad thing!

This dreamlike trance will follow you throughout the month. In fact, when Venus enters your secretive 12th house on February 1, you may prefer solitude over the company of people you don’t fully trust. As for your love life, a very deep, private personal relationship may ensue during this time. When the new moon flows through your 12th house of the subconscious on February 11, it will be a beautiful time to forgive both yourself and others, releasing yourself from the grip of guilt and grudges. It’s time to heal, babe.

However, February 17 is when things may start to get confusing. As Saturn squares Uranus, you may feel conflict between your intuition and your logical mind. While these two facets of yourself may pull you in separate directions, it’s important to remember that whatever decision you make should not be made without consulting both your head and your heart. Give yourself time for these two energy centers to compromise and connect.

When Pisces season begins, you’ll start feeling much more energized and conscious of your reality. It will be a beautiful time to slowly peel yourself away from your comfort zone and put yourself out there again! When Mercury stations direct on February 20, you’ll come away from the experience with repressed emotions acknowledged and old wounds healed. And when Venus enters Pisces on February 25, you will be ready to absorb self-love and embrace all the loving attention that surrounds you, too.

You’re getting even more in touch with your truth as the month wraps up, Pisces. On February 26, Jupiter will trine the North Node, asking you to set aside your ego for the sake of a higher spiritual vibration. When times get tough, take a moment to remember what truly matters! A full moon in your seventh house of partnerships will also take place on February 27, revealing the state of your relationships and how you can improve them. And don’t overthink things too much, because Pisces season has only just begun!

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