viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Whoa, Gemini—Your February Horoscope Predicts “Limitless Spiritual Growth”

You may find yourself visiting unexpected places this month, Gemini! After all, February begins with Mercury—your ruling planet—retrograding through your ninth house of travel and perspective. Chances are, the cosmos will evoke spontaneous interferences to your plans, pushing you to see everything in a brand-new light. Your Gemini February 2021 horoscope may make you feel a little lost, but don’t be so quick to assume you should want to be found!

Either way, you’re going into February with expansion in your heart! As Venus enters your ninth house of culture and philosophy, you’re craving a more free-spirited and exotic version of love. If you’re currently in a relationship, you’re ready to spice things up—and if you’re single, you may meet a new crush on one of your many adventures. As the new moon envelops your ninth house of wisdom on February 11, it might even be time to start thinking of ways to embracing higher learning, be it enrolling in a class or planning a trip.

However, by February 17, you might feel unsure of where you’re meant to go next. As Saturn squares Uranus, you may feel torn between taking the path you know is safest and the one far less traveled. Your intuition may feel somewhat repressed, as though your heart isn’t very passionate about either option, but it may be wise to embrace whichever direction the universe takes you in, rather than trying to control the outcome.

You’re putting on your business pants by February 18. Pisces season will activate your ambitious 10th house of career, encouraging you to take on new opportunities and enhance your resumé with various accomplishments. You’ll experience more clarity and and open-mindedness when Mercury retrograde ends on February 20, and as Venus activates your 10th house of public image on February 25, it will send so much love to your reputation.

The month comes to a close on a meaningful note. When Jupiter trines the North Node on February 29, it will guide you toward limitless spiritual growth. As the full moon dawns in your emotional fourth house of home and family on February 27, you might just have a revelation about what your heart needs most.

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