viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Taurus, Your February Horoscope Is All About Embracing Change

You’re embracing SO much change this February, Taurus! It all begins with Mercury retrograding through your 10th house of social status, which could leave you feeling confused about the direction your career is going. You may be doing a lot of stopping and starting as you work on acknowledging failure and getting back up to try again. Your Taurus 2021 February horoscope may not be easy, but it’s definitely not boring, either!

Fortunately, Venus will also be entering your 10th house of social status and public image, encouraging you to spend time updating your social media pages and polishing them so as to appear more professional. This is a great time to enhance your reputation by talking about your accomplishments and getting your name out there! When the new moon lands in your 10th house of career on February 11, it’s time to let go of the mistakes you’ve made in the past and set an intention that guides you toward your ambitions.

However, no matter how much you plan, the cosmos have their own ideas in mind for where you’re headed next. As Saturn squares Uranus on February 17, you will be directly impacted by the desire to embrace a massive change to your identity. Your responsibilities may start to feel more burdensome as ever, especially as they relate to your professional life, so it may be time to entertain the idea of taking your career in a new, unexpected direction.

It’s in your best interest to enlist the help of your friends and fellow colleagues once Pisces season begins on February 18. Activating your 11th house of networking, the end of the month is about reaching out and connecting with like-minded individuals in your field. As Mercury stations direct on February 20, you’ll even start to feel more assured in your abilities, ready to tackle your goals with renewed gusto. When Venus enters your social 11th house on February 25, you can expect your desires to meet new people and join a team to intensify.

Don’t worry about a thing, because when Jupiter trines the North Node on February 26, it will lead you toward so many career opportunities (Lucrative ones, at that!). And don’t go thinking this month is all work and no play, because the full moon on February 27 will activate your fifth house of fun and creativity, which will end the month with a rush of artistic inspiration!

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