viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Scorpio, Your February Horoscope Says You’ll Be All Up In Your Feels

The month of February will be a highly emotionally and sensitive time for you, Scorpio. Mercury spends the first few weeks of the month retrograding through your fourth house of home and family. This might lead to disturbances and discomforts in your sacred space. It all sounds intense, but your Scorpio February 2021 horoscope is all about creating your own version of home—a home that works for you!

Luckily, the cosmos are encouraging you to do just that when Venus enters your cozy fourth house as of February 1. This will inspire you to nurture your love life with extra TLC as you’re asked to think about how you can create a home with your partner. As the new moon radiates throughout your protective fourth house on February 11, it’s time to connect to your heart and reconsider what you need to feel safe and emotionally cared for.

However, this emotional energy will likely intensify by February 17. As Saturn squares Uranus, it may bring hidden tensions within your family to the surface, forcing you to come clean and have it out once and for all. You may find yourself wanting to break away from your family’s expectations and forge your own relationships. Although this is not easy, there’s no need to reject your roots completely. Work on embracing the positive things about where you came from as you leave the negative behind.

Mark February 18 on your calendar, because this is when things start getting exciting! The sun will move into your fifth house of fun and pleasure, inspiring you to harness your creativity and express yourself artistically. As Mercury retrograde comes to a close on February 20, you can put all the drama in your private life behind you and embrace a more solid center to your world. As Venus enters your passionate fifth house on February 25, your love life will begin to burst at the seams with romance, so enjoy every minute of it!

Embrace a deep and emotional transformation by February 26. This is when Jupiter will trine the North Node, encouraging you to tap into your strength and remember how resilient you truly are. Your empathy and deep compassion will serve you well by February 27, when the full moon blasts through your 11th house of community. Let this full moon reveal what causes you care about most, guiding you towards philanthropic efforts to pursue all year long.

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