lunes, 18 de enero de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Calls Out Your Inner Rebellious Nature

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and welcome to your weekly horoscope for January 18-24 2021! This week marks the end of Capricorn season and the beginning of Aquarius season as the sun enters the eccentric air sign on Tuesday. Happy birthday to all Water-Bearers! For the next four weeks, our inner rebellious nature comes out to play as energies become friendly but unpredictable. Expect some technology innovation as well.

Also on Tuesday, the asteroid Vesta retrogrades in analytical Virgo (yes, even asteroids retrograde). Vesta is the bridge between heaven and Earth viaritual. So, during its retrograde pay attention to daily rituals. Some adjustments might be necessary.

Keep schedules clear when Mars (planet of action) in Taurus conjoins Uranus (planet of spontaneity) on Wednesday. Don’t bite off more than you can chew unless you want to add extra stress to your life.

The week ends with Mars squaring Jupiter (planet of abundance) in Aquarius on Saturday, making us bold but not exactly wise. Focus energies more on starting new projects and less on starting fights.

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STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

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Not sure where this week will take you? Time for a wine night and tarot reading sesh with your besties.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After four weeks of hustling, you’re ready to have some fun and excitement, both of which you’ll get when the sun enters Aquarius on Tuesday! The sun now shines in your sector of friendship, bringing more energy to your social life. This is a great time to begin new friendships while maintaining your independent nature. Look for innovative ways to make your wishes come true or help out with social causes.

However, don’t let the almighty dollar get in the way of your independence and the greater good when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus on Wednesday. You may be given an opportunity to make a lot of money, but it could cost you more than you bargained for.

The week ends with a struggle between the need for innovation and stability when Mars squares Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday. You might have to decide if taking a risk is worth some financial insecurity.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

It’s Aquarius season and you’re ready to get your hustle on! On Tuesday, the sun enters the sign of the Water Bearer and your career sector. For the next four weeks, you’re focusing on original and innovative ways to get ahead and help build your reputation. You could appear a little rebellious as you go against the grain, but it will pay off in the long run.

However, take a moment for a little pampering on Wednesday. Mars in your sign conjoins Uranus, making self-care a priority. Instead of staying late at work, go home as soon as the workday is done and relax. You can be an overachiever later, Taurus.

The struggle between your career goals and your need for self-care comes to a head when Mars squares Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday. Try to find a solution without creating drama. If you need help from your colleagues, just ask them!


STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Expand your horizons, Gemini! On Tuesday, the sun enters Aquarius and lights up your sector of philosophy. For the next four weeks, you’ll be deep in thought as you explore different cultures, beliefs, and ideologies. Start planning a trip or read books and watch documentaries about different cultures. You could come away with a new understanding of certain issues.

Go easy on yourself when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your privacy sector on Wednesday. Try not to make any social plans for this day because you may not be feeling up to it. Instead, take the opportunity to pamper yourself with a nice bath, journaling, and meditation to get at the root of whatever’s troubling you.

Then, increase your understanding of other people when the sun conjoins Saturn on Saturday. Use your natural gift of gab to ask questions, do research, and discover new ideas. Remember to keep an open mind!



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

It’s time for major transformation when the sun enters Aquarius on Tuesday. The sun will be in your sector of intimacy for the next four weeks, shining some light on previous “taboo” issues you wished to keep in the dark. This might be an uncomfortable time as you confront changes that test bonds and perhaps result in you having to be more independent and take care of yourself. Letting go isn’t easy, but trust that you’re moving on to better things.

To cope with all this, spend Wednesday with friends when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your sector of friendship. Your friends will help you get through this odd time with support and humor.

The week ends on a high note as Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. This is a great day for taking a road trip or starting a new romantic adventure.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week starts with good vibes when the sun enters Aquarius and your sector of partnerships on Tuesday. If you have a business idea that is just crazy enough to work, share it with one of your close friends. Together, you might be able to turn that dream into reality. Stranger things have happened, Leo!

However, things may get stressful when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your career zone on Wednesday. The work you’re asked to do could clash with the image of how you see yourself. Start asking yourself if your current career is something you want to be known for.

Saturday brings back the good vibes when the sun conjoins Saturn and all your relationships seem to go swimmingly. With a little self-discipline, you and your partner can have a swell brainstorming session to get your creative juices flowing. The sky’s the limit!



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

As the sun enters eccentric Aquarius and your sector of routine on Tuesday, you might be tempted to try new ways of doing things instead of your tried-and-true methods. Could you be more productive at work if you changed just one thing? Could you sleep better if you added something to your workout? Think it over.

Do some soul searching when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your philosophy sector on Wednesday. You might feel like you’re at a crossroads concerning your preconceived beliefs and ideas. However, if you dig deep and allow your mind to be open, you might come up with some amazing insights.

The week ends on a lovely note when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. This aspect can create some pleasurable moments in your intimate relationships as you create deeper bonds. Get a little naughty and enjoy yourself!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week starts on a lovely, delicious note when the sun enters Aquarius on Tuesday, shining its glow in your pleasure sector. For the next four weeks, you may feel extra creative as you look for unique ways to express yourself. Enjoy these magnetic moments, Libra, but don’t get too carried away.

Money will have a strange way of finding you when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your intimacy sector on Wednesday. You could come into some money through an inheritance, or you might struggle with sharing finances during this aspect. You might also have to have some “taboo” money conversations.

However, your luck can turn around when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. An issue in your domestic life could be sorted out with a little work and some discipline. Once you get your household routine set, you’ll find that life becomes much smoother and less stressful.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your private life gets a little unpredictable when the sun enters Aquarius and your family zone on Tuesday. For the next four weeks, expect things to go a little sideways as family drama becomes the norm and you rebel against tradition. Don’t burn any bridges, but don’t take any nonsense either.

Delegate tasks to prevent burnout when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your partnership sector on Wednesday. Don’t become so competitive and interested in winning that you scare away everyone in your life. Take a step back and allow others to help you. You’ll be happy you did.

Be careful when Mars squares Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday. Your passive-aggressiveness could blow up in your face when dealing with a family issue. Don’t pick any fights, especially ones you know you can’t win. Instead, take the day to cool off and work on a project by yourself.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You have a lot on your mind and you’re not afraid to say it. For the next four weeks, you’ll let everyone know exactly what’s on your mind, starting when the sun enters eccentric Aquarius and your sector of communication on Tuesday. Whether it’s in person, on the phone, or via text, you’re determined to share your ideas with others no matter how out there they may seem. There are no bad ideas here, Sagittarius.

Be careful when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your sector of routine on Wednesday. Stress at work can lead to some unhealthy habits. Keep your schedule clear to avoid becoming overwhelmed, and exercise if you start feeling restless.

Hit the books and research how to achieve your dreams when the sun conjoins Saturn on Saturday. Stay disciplined and focused (though a little road trip never hurt).



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your season ends as the sun leaves your sign for Aquarius on Tuesday. However, this isn’t a downer because the sun will be shining its light on your sector of value for the next four weeks. This is a great time to focus on personal resources and nontraditional ways of making some cash. Do we sense a side hustle, Capricorn?

Put a pause on that because you’ll need to relax when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus and creates some stress on Wednesday. This aspect occurs in your pleasure sector, so try escaping work stressors by bingeing some good TV, working on a hobby, or finding physical ways to relieve anxiety.

If you’re looking for love, ask for it when Venus in your sign sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. If you have a crush, just text the person and tell them you like them. It could be the start of something beautiful!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Happy birthday, Aquarius! For the next four weeks, it’s all about you! Once the sun enters your sign on Tuesday, you have the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn all hanging out in your sign. That’s some pretty big energy, Water Bearer. You could feel extra productive as you come up with interesting ideas and fun ways to express your individuality. There’s nothing you can’t do!

However, you could hit a snag when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your family sector on Wednesday. Keep your schedule as clear as possible because unexpected family issues could throw you off your game and mess up any plans you make.

Embrace your weirdness when the sun conjoins Saturn on Saturday. You can reach your full potential if you just let you be you! Go ahead and share how you’d make the world a better place. People will love it!



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Get out your cozy blanket and your journals because you’re about to get introspective, Pisces. On Tuesday, the sun enters Aquarius and shines a light on your sector of privacy. The next four weeks could be a period of quiet intensity as you get to the root of your hidden pain. Grief might come out in strange ways, but allow it to come out.

Think logically when it comes to your workload when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your communication sector on Wednesday. You know that you hate telling anyone no, but if you’re saying yes to everything, you could easily get overwhelmed and accomplish nothing. It’s okay to ask for help and to say no.

The week ends on a lovely note as Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in your sign on Saturday. Something you’ve wished for could finally come true in the form of a windfall.


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